01163nam1-22003011i-450-990000159460403321000015946FED01000015946(Aleph)000015946FED0100001594620011111d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yyAbstract of the answers and returnsmade pursuant to an act, passed in the eleventh year of the Reign of his majestyking George IV, intituled, "An act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and of the increase or diminution thereof".s.l.House of Commons1883-v.35 cm0019900001851505033212001 Enumeration abstract : 1. LIV, 560 p. :ill.0019900001851605033212001 Enumeration abstract : 2. 561-1067, 119 p.0019900001851705033212001 Parish register abstract. 500 p., 13 c.geogr. : ill.Gran BretagnaPopolazione1831314.1Gran BretagnaITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK990000159460403321FINBCUNINAING01