01243nam0-22003131i-450-990000082930403321000008293FED01000008293(Aleph)000008293FED0100000829320011111d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yyTransactions of the symposium on fluid mechanics and computing held at New York university, April 23-24, 1953the firstsymposium on applied mathematics sponsored by the American mathematical society and Office of ordnance research, U. S. army.New YorkInterscience publishers1954243 p.ill.26 cmTransactions of symposia in applied mathematics1CongressiNew York1953FluidiMeccanicaCongressiNew York1953532.1SYMPOSIUM ON FLUID MECHANICS AND COMPUTING, New York, 19535617ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000008293040332113 G 04 1120757FINBCFINBCTransactions of the symposium on fluid mechanics and computing held at New York university, April 23-24, 1953110108UNINAING01