01036nam0-22002651i-450-990000024450403321000002445FED01000002445(Aleph)000002445FED0100000244520011111d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yySpace research 10.proceedings of Open meeting of working groups of the 12. Plenary meeting of COSPAR, Prague, 11-24may 1969 and of the Symposium on thermospheric properties concerning temperature and dynamics with special appl. to H and Heorganized by the COSPAR and Czechoslovak Aca. of sciencesed. by T. M. Donahue , P.A. Smith , L. Thomas.AmsterdamNorth-Holland publishing C.1970XVII, 1049 p.ill.25 cm500.5PLENARY MEETING OF COSPAR, 12., Praga, 1969ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000002445040332113 SC V G 1427123FINBCFINBCUNINAING01