01087nam0-22002891i-450-990000024430403321000002443FED01000002443(Aleph)000002443FED0100000244320011111d--------km-y0itay50------baitay-------001yyLife sciences and space research 8.proceedings of the Open meeting of working group 5. at the 12. Plenary meeting ofCOSPAR, Prague, 11-24 May 1969 and the Symposium on biological rhythms, Prague, 13 May 1969 and the Symposium on nutrition of man in space, Prague, 14 May 1969edited by W. Vishniac and F. G. Favorite.Amsterdam-LondonNorth-Holland1970X, 317 p.ill.25 cmCOSPAR500.5PLENARY MEETING OF COSPAR, 12., Praga, 1969331468ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK99000002443040332113 SC V G 1227141FINBCFINBCLife sciences and space research 8107091UNINAING01