01376nam2 22003013i 450 VEA006966020231121125919.0887038258319960109d1994 ||||0itac50 baengitz01i xxxe z01n˜1: The œilluminators and illuminations of the Choir books from Santa Maria degli Angeli and Santa Maria Nuova and their documentsMirella Levi D'Anconawith two entries by Angela Dillon BussiFlorenceCentro Di1994228 p.ill.27 cm.001VEA00696592001 ˜The œchoir books of Santa Maria degli Angeli in FlorenceMirella Levi D'Ancona1Levi D'Ancona, MirellaRAVV025269070162646Dillon Bussi, AngelaCFIV013301ITIT-0119960109IT-RM0313 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA CASANATENSERM0313 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NVEA0069660Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52SALA BRAGAS.A. 69.1 52ATE0000016385 VMN RS A 2015012020150120 07 52Illuminators and Illuminations of the Choir Books from Santa Maria degli Angeli and Santa Maria Nuova and their Documents2840849UNICAS