01105ncm1 22003013i 450 UBO236758320231121125858.020160701d1996 ||||0itac50 balatusz01d axxe z01nBeneventanum troporum corpus 2.ordinary chants and tropes for the mass from southern Italy, a.d. 1000-1250. Part 3, Preface chants and Sanctusedited by John BoeMadison . A-R Editionsc19962 v.29 cm.001UBO23675892000 [1]1001UBO23675942000 [2]2Beneventanum Troporum CorpusLO103951333608256Preface chants and Sanctus.UBO2367601Boe, JohnLO1V153149ITIT-0120160701IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 UBO2367583Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52LAB.SLA 291 BTC 2.3A 52LAB.SLA 291 BTC 2.3B 52Beneventanum Troporum Corpus3608256UNICAS