01192nam0 22003133i 450 UBO006702220231121125850.020121122e1970 ||||0itac50 baenganggbz01i xxxe z01n˜The œWohunge of ure Lauerdedited by W. Meredith ThompsonLondonNew YorkTorontoOxford University Press1970LXI, 78 p.22 cmEarly English text society241Ripr. facs. dell'ed.: 1958 (for 1955).001CFI00871182001 Early English text society24171202Early English text societyCFIV093087Early English text society. Original series.CFI0292573821.121Thompson, W. MeredithSBLV276768ITIT-0120121122IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 UBO0067022Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52EETS O.S. 241 52FLS0000154645 VMB RS C 2012112220121122 52Wohunge of ure Lauerd3639537UNICAS