01036nas0 22002893i 450 TO0118332320231121125844.020080122b19131918||||0itac50 baengusazu||||||||z01i xxxe z01n˜The œbulletin of the College art association of AmericaProvidenceCollege art association of Americav.ill.25 cmIrregolareInizia nel 1913 e cessa nel 1918.001VEA00090092001 ˜The œart bulletina quarterly published by the College art association of AmericaCollege art associationVEAV005354College art association of AmericaTSAV431484College art associationCAA <College Art Association>TSAV431485College art associationITIT-0120080122TO01183323 10 52Bulletin of the College art association of America1743912UNICAS