01787nam1 22003733i 450 TO0057934020231121125839.0900406113420151016d1980 ||||0itac50 baengitagrcengitagrcnlz01i xxxe z01nGreek and Demotic texts from the Zenon archive(P. L. Bat. 20)edited under the general direction of P. W. PestmanLeidenE. J. Brill19802 volumi29 cmPapyrologica Lugduno-Batava20001CFI01325692001 Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava20001TO005793412001 Textedited under the general direction of P. W. Pestman1001TO005793422001 Platesedited under the general direction of P. W. Pestman2Greek and Demotic texts from the Zenon archiveTSA1796613550033Papiri greciFIRRMLC117050IPapiri demoticiFIRRMLC213459IPestman, Pieter WillemCFIV081046ITIT-0120151016IT-RM0313 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA CASANATENSERM0313 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 TO00579340Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS S.Sij.E5.Pap.Lugd.Bat.20 A-B 52VM 0000138615 VM barcode:000001101-10. - Inventario:130VMA 1960010120121204 52CIS S.Sij.E5.Pap.Lugd.Bat.20 A-B 52VM 0000138605 VM barcode:000001101-20. - Inventario:500 Sijp.VMA 19600101201212042 07 52GREEK and demotic texts from the Zenon archive550033UNICAS