01882nam0 22003733i 450 SBL060401320231121125829.0IT848453 20040319d1983 ||||0itac50 baengitz01i xxxe z01n˜The œninth-century treasure of Monte Cassino in the context of political and economic developments in South ItalyArmand O. Citarella and Henry M. WillardMontecassinoPubblicazioni cassinesi1983147 p., [9] c. di tav.ill.27 cm.Miscellanea cassinese50001CUB01992292001 Miscellanea cassinese50Abbazia di MontecassinoStoriaSec. 9.-11.FIRRMLC404211IMontecassinoSec. 9.-12.FIRRMLC182923I27121Citarella, Armand O.TO0V010084070254204Willard, Henry M.TO0V010085070254202ITIT-0120040319IT-RM0418 IT-FR0084 IT-RM0151 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA ACCADEMIA NAZ. DEI LINCEI E CORSINIANARM0418 Biblioteca Del Monumento Nazionale Di MontecassinoFR0084 Biblioteca Istituto Storico Italiano Medio Evo - IRM0151 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NSBL0604013Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52MAG 3 COLL I 50 52MAG0000170885 VMB RS B 2017031620170316 52SALA BRAGAC.M. 4.50 52ATE0000014215 VMB RS A 2017031620170316 10 25 41 52Ninth-century treasure of Monte Cassino in the context of political and economic developments in South Italy1001294UNICAS