01993nam1 22003973i 450 RMS011967920231121125807.0888317003220011011d2000 ||||0itac50 bamulitz01i xxxe z01nManuscripts and tradition of grammatical texts from antiquity to the Renaissanceproceedings of a Conference held at Erice, 16-23 october 1997, as the 11. Course of International school for the study of written recordsedited by Mario De Nonno, Paolo De Paolis and Louis Holtz Cassino Edizioni dell'Universita degli studi di Cassino20002 v.ill.24 cm.001RMS01196812000 11001RMS01196822000 22GrammaticaAntichita-Sec. 16.Congressi Erice 1997FIRRMLC178523IManoscritti grammaticaliSec. 6.-16.FIRRMLC178526I475LATINO CLASSICO. SISTEMA STRUTTURALE (GRAMMATICA)19De Paolis, PaoloCFIV104744340De Nonno, MarioRAVV002660340Holtz, Louis <1929- >RAVV013183340International school for the study of written recordsMILV156480ITIT-0120011011IT-RM0290 IT-RM0281 IT-RM0418 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA ANGELICARM0290 BIBLIOTECA VALLICELLIANARM0281 BIBLIOTECA ACCADEMIA NAZ. DEI LINCEI E CORSINIANARM0418 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RMS0119679Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52SALA BRAGAS.S.L. 478.1 52SALA BRAGAS.S.L. 478.2 52MAG 8 Coll R/2 - 10.2 52MAG 8 Coll R/2- 10.1 06 08 10 52Manuscripts and tradition of grammatical texts from antiquity to the Renaissance148117UNICAS