01217nam0 22003013i 450 RMS003831420231121125806.020170130d1990 ||||0itac50 baengusz01i xxxe z01n˜A œshort history of writing instructionfrom ancient Greece to twentieth-century Americaedited by James J. MurphyDavis (California)Hermagoras Press1990V, 241 p.23 cm.ScritturaInsegnamentoFIRRMLC183317IScritturaStoriaFIRRMLC004094I411.7Sistemi di scrittura delle forme standard delle lingue. Paleografia ed epigrafia.22Murphy, James J.MILV011772Murphy, James JeromeSBNV095662Murphy, James J.ITIT-0120170130IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NRMS0038314Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52SALA BRAGAS.S.L. 445 52COB0000907685 VMB RS A 2017013020170130 52Short history of writing instruction3634576UNICAS01198nam2 22002891i 450 RML029094120231121125736.020121121d1964 ||||0itac50 baengdez01i xxxe z01n˜A œtreatise of human nature 1and dialogues concerning natural religionDavid Humeedited by Thomas Hill Green, Thomas Hodge GroseDarmstadt Scientia Verlag Aalen 1964xxii, 565 p.22 cm.001RML02909372001 ˜The œPhilosophical worksDavid Humeedited by Thomas Hill Green, Thomas Hodge GroseHume, DavidRMLV165824329443Grose, Thomas HodgeRMLV188084Green, Thomas HillRMLV188085ITIT-0120121121IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0290941Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS 10/32.1 52VM 0000604045 VM barcode:00059380. - Inventario:21701 MAGVMA 2006032920121204 52Treatise of human nature 13628068UNICAS