01157nam0 22002893i 450 RML044497820231121125803.020190905d1971 ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01nFallen womena sceptical into the treatment of prostitutes, their clients and their pimps, in literatureMartin Seymour-SmithLondonPanther Books1971204 p., [2] c. di tav.18 cmCompl. del tit. sulla cop.: a controversial look at prostitutes and prostitution in literature.ProstituzioneAspetti psicosocialiFIRRMLC279648I306.742Prostituzione femminile.22Seymour-Smith, MartinRAVV079826070132199ITIT-0120190905IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NRML0444978Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52PDD E 257 52DUP0009029515 VMB RS A 2019090520190905 52Fallen women3634078UNICAS