01342nam0 22003251i 450 RML031218320231121125752.020121121d2009 ||||0itac50 baengusz01i xxxe z01n˜The œprehistory of languageedited by Rudolf Botha, Chris KnightOxford - New York Oxford University Press ©2009XVIII, 348 p.ill.23 cmStudies in the evolution of language- Oxford Oxford University Press 11001RML03328922001 Studies in the evolution of language- Oxford Oxford University Press 11LinguaggioEvoluzioneFIRRMLC197252I401Linguaggio. Filosofia e teoria21570Scienze della vita21Botha, RudolphRMLV2015791446176Knight, ChrisRMLV201578621899ITIT-0120121121IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0312183Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS 8/356 52VM 0000826265 VM barcode:00077172. - Inventario:38199 FLSVMA 2010041920121204 52Prehistory of language3632206UNICAS