01166nam0 22002891i 450 RML030468320231121125747.020121121d1954 ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01nAntony and CleopatraWilliam ShakespeareEdited by M. R. RidleyLondon Methuen & Co LTD ©1954XLIX,278 p.21 cm˜The œarden edition of the works of William Shakespeare. - London Methen & Co LTD 001RML03330832001 ˜The œarden edition of the works of William Shakespeare. - London Methen & Co LTD Shakespeare, WilliamRMLV160972132200Ridley, M. R.RMLV196457ITIT-0120121121IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0304683Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS 12/157 52VM 0000747115 VM barcode:00066029. - Inventario:3967 MAGVMA 2008051420121204 52Antony and Cleopatra48592UNICAS