01097nam0 22002891i 450 RML030141320231121125743.0014018216020121121d1982 ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01n˜The œcomplete short novelsD.H.LawrenceEdited with an introduction and notes by Keith Sagar and Melissa PartridgeLondon Penguin books ©1982616 p.20 cmPenguin twentieth-century classics 001RML03316062001 Penguin twentieth-century classics Lawrence, David HerbertRMLV17668360980ITIT-0120121121IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0301413Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS 11/1246 52VM 0000714465 VM barcode:00063395. - Inventario:8992 FLSVMA 2007120520121204 52Complete short novels180967UNICAS