01072nam1 22003131i 450 RML028983520231121125735.0085481072220121121f ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01n˜The œOptics of Ibn Al-Haythambooks 1-3 On direct visiontranslated with introduction and commentary by A. I. SabraLondon Warburg Institute, University of Londonv.26 cmStudies of the Warburg institute 40001RML03328932001 Studies of the Warburg institute 40001RML02898392001 Vol. 1: Translation001RML02898412001 Vol. 2: Introduction, commentary, glossaries, concordance, indicesOtticaFIRRMLC001789I535.0902121Sabra, Abd al-HamidRMLV187355ITIT-0120121121RML02898352 52Optics of Ibn Al-Haytham3627838UNICAS