01101nam0 22003011i 450 RML024463220231121125708.0080398809520121121d1999 ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01n˜The œbody and societyexplorations in social theoryBryan S.Tuner2 edLondon Sage publications 1999xiv254 p.24 cmTheory culture & society. - London Sage publications 001RML03331172001 Theory culture & society. - London Sage publications Turner, Bryan S.RMLV158073125145ITIT-0120121121IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0244632Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS 5/895 52VM 0000146485 VM barcode:00056831. - Inventario:19840 FLSVMA 1960010120121204 52Body and society506106UNICAS