01226nam0 22003011i 450 RML024368620231121125707.020121121d1985 ||||0itac50 bageritz01i xxxe z01nReligions and Politics in Hellenistic and Roman PeriodsElias J. BBickermanedited by Emilio Gabba and Morton SmithComo New Press 1985XXXVII, [641] p.24 cmBiblioteca di Athenaeum- Como New Press 001RML03289392001 Biblioteca di Athenaeum- Como New Press Bickermann, Elias J.RMLV1571191443580Gabba, EmilioRMLV146404Smith, MortonRMLV157230ITIT-0120121121IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0243686Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52CIS S.Sij.M.Relig.Bic. 52VM 0000134465 VM barcode:000000777-10. - Inventario:1242 Sijp.VMA 1960010120121204 52Religions and Politics in Hellenistic and Roman Periods3621114UNICAS