01376nam0 22003373i 450 RML023204120231121125658.020121120d1969 ||||0itac50 baenmenggbz01i xxxe z01nRespublicaan interlude for Christmas 1553 attributed to Nicholas Udallre-edited by W. W. GregRist. dell'ed.: LondonNew YorkToronto : Oxford University Press1952London, New York, TorontoOxford University Press1969XXI, 83 p., 7 p.23 cmEarly English text society226Sul front.: Published for the Early English Text Society.001CFI00871182001 Early English text society22671202Early English text societyCFIV093087Early English text society. Original series.CFI0292573821.121Udall, NicholasSBLV105309Greg, Walter WilsonTO0V165191ITIT-0120121120IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0232041Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52EETS O.S. 226 52FLS0000154035 VMB RS C 2012112020121120 52Respublica3617682UNICAS