01339nam0 2200337 i 450 RML023185120231121125658.0052700168620121116e20021927||||0itac50 baenmgbz01i xxxe z01n˜The œreule of Crysten religiounby Reginald Pecocknow first edited from Pierpont Morgan Ms. 519 by William Cabell GreetRipr. dell'ed.: London : Oxford University Press1927Millwood, N.Y.Kraus Reprint1987XXXI, 539 p.23 cmEarly English text society171001CFI00871182001 Early English text society17171202Early English text societyCFIV093087Early English text society. Original series.CFI0292573821.121Pecock, ReginaldMILV099286070184373Greet, William CabellSBLV195131ITIT-0120121116IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RML0231851Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52EETS O.S. 171 52FLS0000153585 VMB RS C 2012111620121116 52Reule of Crysten Religioun525121UNICAS