02097nas1 22004213i 450 RML001438820231121125653.00014-9527P 00083794P 19920410a19719999||||0itac50 baengnlazu||||||||z01i xxxe z01nQuaerendoa quarterly journal from the Low Countries devoted to manuscripts and printed books1 (1971)-LeidenE. J. Brill1971- volumi24 cmTrimestrale Il complemento del titolo cambia in: Quaerendo : a journal devoted to manuscripts and printed booksTrimestrale001RML00682202001 Quaerendocumulative contents & index to volumes 1 (1971) to 25 (1995)ManoscrittiPeriodiciFIRRMLC015244ILibri antichiPeriodiciFIRRMLC086425I091Manoscritti.22ITIT-0119920410IT-RM0313 IT-RM0281 IT-RM0418 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA CASANATENSERM0313 13 (1983)- ; indice 1-16(1971-1986)NBIBLIOTECA VALLICELLIANARM0281 1(1971)- . Lac. 2022. Indici 1971-1995NBIBLIOTECA ACCADEMIA NAZ. DEI LINCEI E CORSINIANARM0418 45(2015)-53(2023)-NBiblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 2011-NRML0014388Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea2011- 52PER.STR. 210 52SBA0000135425 VPN RS 41 (2011)C 20121029201210292011- 52PER.STR. 210 52SBA0000146285 VPN RS 42 (2012)C 20130131201301312011- 52PER.STR. 210 52SBA0000180805 VPN RS 44 (2014)C 20141119201411192011- 52PER.STR. 210 52SBA0000192075 VPN RS 45 (2015)C 20151118201511181 07 08 10 52Quaerendo976548UNICAS