01398nam2 22003253i 450 RAV002436220231121125624.0385951147519980107d1985 ||||0itac50 baitalatchz01i xxxe z01n˜23: œItaly 4.published by Armando Petrucci, Jan-Olof TjaderDietikon-ZurichUrs Graf Verlag1985XI, 88 p.ill.46 cmRipr. e pubbl. dei doc. 730-750 dell'Archivio di Stato di Siena.001CFI00665412001 Chartae Latinae antiquioresfacsimile-edition of the Latin charters prior to the ninth centuryedited by Albert Bruckner and Robert Marichal[poi] edited by Guglielmo Cavallo, Giovanna Nicolaj23Italy fourth. -RAV0024363Petrucci, Armando <1932-2018>CFIV019366Tjäder, Jan-OlofCFIV042388ITIT-0119980107IT-RM0281 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA VALLICELLIANARM0281 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 RAV0024362Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52SALA BRAGACHLA 23 52COB0000005765 VMB RS C 2013042320130423 08 52Italy 43615110UNICAS