01357nam0 22003013i 450 NAP059128520231121125601.0978977716430620150313d2011 ||||0itac50 baengegz01i xxxe z01nNatural and cultural landscapes in the Fayoumthe safeguarding and management of archaeological sites and natural environmentsproceedings of the International Colloquium 31st October - 2nd November 2010Edited by Rosanna PirelliCairoUnesco2011257 p.ill.29 cmMonumenti naturaliFayyumFIRRMLC426718N719.32Parchi pubblici e monumenti naturali21Pirelli, RosannaMILV239502340ITIT-0120150313IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NNAP0591285Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52LAB.ARCH. 719 Nat.Pir. 52DUP0009004715 VMN RS Collocato presso il "Laboratorio di archeologia" (Campus Folcara)C 2015031320150313 52Proceedings of the International Colloquium 31st October - 2nd November 20103612207Natural and cultural landscapes in the Fayoum264570UNICAS