01246ncm0 22003013i 450 LO1039513220231121125519.0089579241920160701d1994 ||||0itac50 balatusz01d axxe z01n˜16: œBeneventanum Troporum Corpus 1.Tropes of the Proper of the Mass from Southern Italy, A. D. 1000-1250edited by Alejandro Enrique PlanchartJohn BoeMadisonA-R1994LIV, 95 p.29 cm.Recent researches in the music of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance16001RML00616282001 Recent researches in the music of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance16Beneventanum Troporum CorpusLO103951333608256Planchart, Alejandro EnriqueLO1V153148ITIT-0120160701IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NLO10395132Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52LAB.SLA 291 BTC 1.1 52COB0000903055 VMN RS C 2016070120160701 52Beneventanum Troporum Corpus3608256UNICAS