01541nam0 22003493i 450 FER002393420231121125500.0085481065X20131111d1986 ||||0itac50 baenggbz01i xxxe z01nPseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Agesthe Theology and other textsedited by Jill Kraye, W.F. Ryan and C.B. SchmittLondonThe Warburg InstituteUniversity of London1986295 p.25 cmWarburg institute surveys and textsedited by Charles Burnett, Jill Kraye, W. F. Ryan11001VEA00049522001 Warburg institute surveys and textsedited by Charles Burnett, Jill Kraye, W. F. Ryan11702 1Kraye, JillBVEV001922Kraye, JillBVEV001922Schmitt, Charles B.CFIV044161Ryan, W. F.TO0V062232Schmitt, Charles BernardVEAV040456Schmitt, Charles B.Ryan, William Francis <1937- >SBNV012877Ryan, W. F.Ryan, William F. <1937- >SBNV012878Ryan, W. F.ITIT-0120131111IT-FR0017 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 FER0023934Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52MAG 11/2063.11 52MAG0000167745 VMN RS A 2013111120131111 52Pseudo-Aristotle in the middle ages1162376UNICAS