02652nas# 22003613i 450 VAN025864020230524101904.8582163-695801551806X20230522a2003 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||aF||||||||| r i e bPsychoanalytic perspectivesan international journal of integration and innovationNational Institute for the PsychotherapiesNew YorkPhiladelphiaTaylor & Francis2003-Psychoanalytic Perspectives encourages the exploration and integration of relational, interpersonal, or intersubjective thought and more traditional psychoanalytic theory. Its pages provide an intellectually nurturing space for dialogue between well established psychoanalytic writers and those who are just emerging. Though this double blind peer-reviewed journal's primary focus is contemporary psychoanalytic theory and practice, in the integrative spirit of the founders of The National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP), the journal includes writing by practitioners of other psychotherapy modalities as well. Psychoanalytic Perspectives also encourages contributions of poetry, short stories, essays, and memoirs that relate to the psychoanalytic experience or human condition at large. Interviews with respected theoreticians and clinicians, as well as roundtable discussions on various themes, at times with interdisciplinary panels, are a regular feature of the journal, along with book reviews and reviews of other media, such as film, theater, and art. In addition to supporting theoretical, clinical, and creative discussions, Psychoanalytic Perspectives is also committed to being a forum for current matters of social concern.USNew YorkVANL000011PhiladelphiaVANL000037National Institute for the psychotherapiesVANV212819340Taylor & FranciseditoreVANV108171650ITSOL20230616RICAhttps://pep-web.org/browse/PPERSP/volumeshttps://pep-web.org/browse/PPERSP/volumeshttps://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uppe20E-Journal - Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIAIT-CE0119VAN162003-PEP : Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing ;NVAN0258640BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA162003-Psychoanalytic perspectives2290875UNICAMPANIA