03044nam0 22003853i 450 VAN019514420210803040957.645978-14-7422-071-2paperback978-14-7422-072-9hardbackN9781350014275online20210803d2017 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||Cities in TimeTemporary Urbanism and the Future of the CityAli MadanipourLondon [etc.]Bloomsbury Academic2017XI, 198 p.ill.24 cmFrom street-markets and pop-up shops to art installations and Olympic parks, the temporary use of urban space is a growing international trend in architecture and urban design. Partly a response to economic and ecological crisis, it also claims to offer a critique of the status quo and an innovative way forward for the urban future. Cities in Time aims to explore and understand the phenomenon, offering a first critical and theoretical evaluation of temporary urbanism and its implications for the present and future of our cities. The book argues that temporary urbanism needs to be understood within the broader context of how different concepts of time are embedded in the city. In any urban place, multiple, discordant and diverse timeframes are at play – and the chapters here explore these different conceptions of temporality, their causes and their effects. Themes explored include how institutionalised time regulates everyday urban life, how technological and economic changes have accelerated the city’s rhythms, our existential and personal senses of time, concepts of memory and identity, virtual spaces, ephemerality and permanence.VAN0195145Cities in Time : Temporary Urbanism and the Future of the City1852935Edifici prefabbricatiVANC033350ARCittàSistemazione urbanisticaSec. 21.VANC036407ARGBLondonVANL000015307.76Comunità urbane21MadanipourAliVANV107262144702BloomsburyeditoreVANV144572Bloomsbury AcademicBloomsbury <editore>VANV146605Bloomsbury Visual ArtsBloomsbury <editore>VANV146611ITSOL20230616RICAhttps://www.bloomsburycollections.com/book/cities-in-time-temporary-urbanism-and-the-future-of-the-city/E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o Shibboleth.BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107VAN01NVAN0195144BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01CONS E-BOOK SBAARCH 01EBA195144 20210803 E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o Shibboleth.Cities in Time : Temporary Urbanism and the Future of the City1852935UNICAMPANIA