01028nam0-2200313 --450 991047285920332120211214143255.0978-88-575-4640-7IT2018-663320210521d2018----kmuy0itay5050 baitaITa 001yyAlla ricerca dell'immortalità perdutail trapianto di organi tra scambio e donoMelania Borgoprefazione di Claudio Bonvecchiopostfazione di Mario TavaniMilanoUdineMimesis2018102 p.ill.21 cmMimesis. Il corpo e l'anima11Contiene bibl. (pp. 101-102)TrapiantoEtica174.29795423itaBorgo,Melania793615ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910472859203321COLLEZ. 2634 (11)2705/2020FSPBCIX A 18011167/2021FSPBCFSPBCAlla ricerca dell'immortalità perduta1780403UNINA03346nam 2200529 450 991016413420332120230422034032.0981-4527-20-3(CKB)3710000001051513(MiAaPQ)EBC4800896(WSP)00004189(EXLCZ)99371000000105151320170217h19991999 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierProceedings of strong and electroweak matter '98 Copenhagen, Denmark, 2-5 Dec 1998 /editors, Jan Ambjorn [and three others]Singapore :World Scientific,1999.©19991 online resource (426 pages) illustrationsTitle from PDF title page (viewed March 30, 2017).Papers presented at a conference held on December 2-5, 1998 in Copenhagen, Denmark.981-02-4031-7 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters."Already in 1997, the topics included in this meeting had been enlarged to include all different phases and phase transitions relevant on laboratory scales or in cosmology. The '98 meeting followed this trend, and there was a balanced combination of the physics associated with both strong and electroweak interactions (and beyond). The main motivation continues to be the understanding of the standard model in “extreme” situations, particularly relevant on the cosmological scale. Most contributions were in one way or another concerned with the finite-temperature aspects of strong and electroweak interactions, and, as in the previous meeting, one persistent theme was the present understanding of baryon-number asymmetry: how it can be created, and how it can be maintained beyond the earliest stages of the Universe. The recent progress in describing the real-time and nonequilibrium dynamics of the non-Abelian gauge was covered in a number of the main talks, as well as in several shorter contributions and posters. The conference presented examples of impressive analytical progress and equally impressive results from numerical simulations: the two techniques continue to fruitfully complement each other. One completely new theme at this conference was the recent suggestion that finite-density QCD may contain new and interesting condensed phases in the neighborhood of the conventional critical density separating quark matter from hadronic matter. All of these developments, and many more, are reflected in this book."--Publisher's website.Strong and electroweak matter '98Electroweak interactionsCongressesNuclear matterCongressesNuclear reactionsCongressesNuclear astrophysicsCongressesStandard model (Nuclear physics)CongressesElectroweak interactionsNuclear matterNuclear reactionsNuclear astrophysicsStandard model (Nuclear physics)539.7544Ambjørn JanMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910164134203321Proceedings of strong and electroweak matter '982586257UNINA01189nam2 2200253 i 450 VAN006087420091228120000.088-311-9244-220070831d1998 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆ1: ‰A-ERomaCittà nuovaParigiÉditions du CerfCambridgeJ. Clarke[1998]XXXII, 691 p., [3] c. di tav.ill.28 cm.001VAN00608722001 Dizionario enciclopedico del Medioevodirezione di André Vauchezcon la collaborazione di Catherine Vincentedizione italiana a cura di Claudio Leonardi210 RomaCittà nuova ; ParigiÈditions du Cerf ; CambridgeJ. Clarke215 volumi28 cm.1USCambridge <Mass.>VANL000513Clark universityVANV110025650ITSOL20230616RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN07VAN0060874BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07CONS Lex a 32/I 07 9125 20070831 A-E1404710UNICAMPANIA03540 am 2200721 n 450 9910324040503321201901092-8028-0410-310.4000/books.pusl.12056(CKB)4100000008283858(FrMaCLE)OB-pusl-12056(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/46108(PPN)236709909(EXLCZ)99410000000828385820190528j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierÉlaborer la loi aujourd’hui, mission impossible ? /Benoît Jadot, François OstBruxelles Presses de l’Université Saint-Louis20191 online resource (253 p.) 2-8028-0127-9 Les signes de pathologie législative se multiplient aujourd'hui au point que l'élaboration de la loi peut paraître relever d'une mission impossible. Les parlementaires s'en avisent eux-mêmes, qui multiplient les initiatives en vue de rationaliser le processus législatif. Parmi les remèdes évoqués, deux d'entre eux retiennent l'attention : la création d'un ou de plusieurs corps de légistes, et l'évaluation des lois. Le propos de cet ouvrage, qui rassemble les contributions présentées lors d'un colloque organisé par le CEDRE à la Maison des Parlementaires à Bruxelles le 22 octobre 1998, est de discuter de la pertinence de ces deux suggestions. Au bénéfice d'un dialogue approfondi entre universitaires et acteurs intervenant à chacun des stades de l'élaboration des lois, ce sont plusieurs suggestions qui se dégagent en vue d'améliorer qualité et performances des textes en projet. L'ouvrage attire cependant aussi l'attention sur le fait qu'aussi parfaites que soient les lois, le législateur n'occupe plus aujourd'hui la position centrale qui était la sienne dans l'État libéral classique. C'est que le droit s'écrit désormais en réseau et que la réglementation, contraignante et hiérarchique, le cède maintenant à la régulation, souple et interactive.Lawlégislationécriture des loisrégulationdroit publiccommission parlementairelégislationcommission parlementairerégulationécriture des loisdroit publicLawlégislationécriture des loisrégulationdroit publiccommission parlementaireBerger Jean-Marie434170Deboutte Reinhilde1283649Delgrange Xavier1283650Delnoy Paul228941Detroux Luc1283651Dumont Hugues1233294Jadot Benoît1283652Jadot Michel1283653Leurquin-de Visscher Françoise235586Morand Charles-Albert228879Nyssens Clotilde1283654Ost François406728Sadeleer Nicolas de500086Vander Stichele Anne1283655Jadot Benoît1283652Ost François406728FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910324040503321Élaborer la loi aujourd’hui, mission impossible3019171UNINA07925nam 2202509z- 450 991040408100332120231214132827.03-03928-926-8(CKB)4100000011302328(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/42125(EXLCZ)99410000001130232820202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green MaterialsMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (568 p.)3-03928-925-X With daily signals, Nature is communicating us that its unconscious wicked exploitation is no more sustainable. Our socio-economic system focuses on production increasing without considering the consequences. We are intoxicating ourselves on a daily bases just to allow the system to perpetuate itself. The time to switch into more natural solutions is come and the scientific community is ready to offer more natural product with comparable performance then the market products we are used to deal with. This book collects a broad set of scientific examples in which research groups from all over the world, aim to replace fossil fuel-based solutions with biomass derived materials. In here, some of the most innovative developments in the field of bio-materials are reported considering topics which goes from biomass valorization to the synthesis of high preforming bio-based materials.chitosangraphene oxidemicrostructureautoxidationheavy metalspolycaprolactoneprecipitationthermosetting polymersthermal degradationhumidity sensorasphalt rubbertung oilnanobiocompositesionic liquidGC-MShybrid nonisocyanate polyurethanephysicochemical propertiesalginate spongeBioflexdimer acidbio-asphaltbenzoyl cellulosePeptonetransparent woodbiocompositenanoclaysstorage stabilitysolvent- and catalyst-freemicrocellulose fiberlignin-containing cellulose nanofibrilspolylactic acid (PLA)bio-inspired interfacespolyhydroxyalkanoatesstrain sensorenzymatic saccharificationheadspace solid phase microextractionPHBVelectrical resistancemelt condensationcementsolution castingorange wastehybrid compositesbiopolymersTEMPO oxidationpollutant adsorbentsEscherichia colibio-nanocompositesTiO2 anatasemetal bindingliquid natural rubberhydrotropic treatmentmetal chloridefeast-faminebiomass resourceswoodelectroless depositionone-pot synthesisthermoplastic starchfilmslignin-carbohydrate complexcellulosecorn starchmicroencapsulated phase change material (MPCM)differential scanning calorimetrycompatibilitynatural fibersworkabilitysilkworm cocoonslignin contentpolylactic acidporous structureelectrospinningnanocellulose fibersH2O2 bleaching treatmentpolysaccharidesmixing sequenceporositylignocellulosic nanofibrilsdense structurealkali ligninpolydopamine coatingnuclear magnetic resonancecationic dyespoly(lactic acid) and composite filmsendothermic effectHSQC-NMRMicrobial nutrienttougheningX-ray diffractionwater resistancewaste biomassligninUV lightultrafiltrationtwo-step lyophilizationmechanical degradationbio-basedmethylene bluestearoyl celluloseONP fibersanionic surfactantsHatscheck processosteoblast proliferationresource recoverydissolutioncopper coatingbacterial cellulosehydrogeliron chelationknotwoodsensitivitymixed microbial culturesdimensional stabilityvolatileslignocelluloseArtemisia vulgarissurface modificationPHAcrosslinked microparticlespyrenecompositesgalactoglucomannanpolymeric compositeskaempferoltannin-furanic foamSolanylwastewater treatmentsadsorption capacityheat treatmentthermal gravimetric analysisWAXSunsaturated polyester resinspulp fibersfree-radical polymerizationlarixoldelignificationantifoulingchemical compositionhemicellulosetissue engineeringextrusion-compoundingmembranephotodegradationstructural plasticsscanning electron microscopephenanthrenethermal propertiesimmobilized TEMPOStaphylococcus aureusadsorptionwood modificationstructure-property relationshipphysical propertyfilmmechanical propertiestanninBio-based foamslatex statepaper-based scaffoldsskincarepyrolysis mechanismemulsion-solvent evaporation methodbioplasticsimidazoliumfractionationcostfiber-cementlyocell fiberrecyclingkenaf fiberthermal stabilitytransport propertiesSAXSsilanizationcellulose nanofiberstaxifolintannin polymervibrational spectroscopyrobust fiber networknanocellulosespoly(lactic acid)Anti-bacterial silver nanoparticlecellulose nanocrystalsSchnabel Thomasauth1268705Tondi GianlucaauthBOOK9910404081003321Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials3039221UNINA02820 am 2200493 n 450 991049567830332120240104030509.02-7574-2846-210.4000/books.septentrion.75041(CKB)4100000010105960(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-75041(PPN)242886841(EXLCZ)99410000001010596020200123j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Pouvoirs de l’eau et eau des pouvoirsL’illusion humaine de la maîtrise de l’eauFrancis MeilliezVilleneuve d'AscqPresses universitaires du Septentrion20201 online resource (140 p.) 2-7574-2810-1 L’eau, essentielle à la vie, est partout. Toutefois l’eau potable, essentielle aux hommes, n’est pas naturellement répartie là où ils s’agglomèrent. Puisque l’eau ne fait que circuler et se renouveler sans cesse, ils pensent être capables d’en maîtriser les cheminements. Mais qui a réellement le pouvoir sur l’autre ? L’homme peut contrôler un territoire, mais durant un temps court. Tandis que l’eau a tout son temps pour façonner les territoires et nourrir tous les êtres vivants à sa mode. Avec le temps, aucun ouvrage humain ne résiste, pas plus que les reliefs naturels que l’eau courante dissèque. Même les littoraux évoluent avec le temps, en fonction des variations climatiques. L’eau se recycle naturellement, avec le temps. Toutefois, ce temps ne suffit pas à satisfaire les besoins des grandes agglomérations humaines. L’homme doit donc acquérir le pouvoir d’aider l’eau à se recycler plus vite. Water flows everywhere; it is essential for life. However, potable water, esential for mankind is not naturally located where men get together. As water only flows and renews itself continuously, men think to be able to control waterways. But which one does control the other?Environmental Studieseautransport fluvialressource renouvelableaménagement du territoireEnvironmental Studieseautransport fluvialressource renouvelableaménagement du territoireCassar Jean-Philippe1453699Deschodt Laurent1325266De Wever Patrick1455249Meilliez Francis1455250Norrant Caroline1301723Salvador Pierre-Gil1294619Thomas Pierre361714Vaillant Ludovic1455251FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495678303321Pouvoirs de l’eau et eau des pouvoirs3657136UNINA