03552 am 2200613 n 450 9910252739303321201707292-7535-6553-810.4000/books.pur.43904(CKB)4100000001653839(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-43904(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/51614(PPN)267959044(EXLCZ)99410000000165383920180117j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLettres d’un capitaine terre-neuvas /Joseph ConanRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20171 online resource (166 p.) 2-7535-2670-2 Comme son oncle, le capitaine Pierre Desury, Joseph Conan aurait pu mener une carrière de capitaine terre-neuvas jusqu'à l'âge de la retraite. Les événements extérieurs, et peut-être aussi l'absence d'une véritable vocation, en décideront autrement. Nous sommes sous le Second Empire, la grande pêche à Terre-neuve est florissante. Le capitaine Conan, originaire de Saint-Brieuc, vient de quitter un armement local. Il entre au service d'un armateur de Pléneuf, Mathieu Rubin de Rays qui expédie lui aussi pour la grande pêche. Le capitaine décide de reporter sur un carnet toute sa correspondance professionnelle à destination de son armateur mais aussi de collègues et de courtiers. Ce sont ces lettres qui sont transcrites et commentées dans cet ouvrage. Elles nous permettent de suivre, durant deux campagnes, un capitaine dans ses diverses activités de navigation, de pêche et de négoce, lorsqu'il s'agit de vendre la morue à Marseille et de chercher des cargaisons pour le retour en Bretagne. Survient la guerre de Crimée. Le brick Saint-Brieuc doit se reconvertir dans le commerce international. Son capitaine, Joseph Conan, se lance dans la navigation au long cours, cherche de nouveaux frets, se frotte à d'autres catégories de négociants. Un premier voyage à Alexandrie est suivi de deux campagnes à Rio de Janeiro et à Montevideo. Joseph Conan relate cette expérience nouvelle, évoque les arcanes du milieu des affaires dans les ports, les chausse-trapes et les malversations. En 1857, de retour d'Amérique du Sud, Joseph Conan abandonne la navigation. En 1862, il tente de participer à la grande aventure islandaise à Paimpol et s'associe avec un armateur local. C'est sur cette unique campagne de pêche à Islande que s'achève le carnet de Joseph Conan qui se retire définitivement dans sa maison de Saint-Brieuc.EconomicsHistoryTerre-NeuveSecond EmpireCorrespondancecommercepêchepêcheSecond EmpireTerre-NeuvecommerceCorrespondanceEconomicsHistoryTerre-NeuveSecond EmpireCorrespondancecommercepêcheConan Joseph1308961Auffray Jean-Michel1308962Cocaud Martine1295078Cocaud Martine1295078Auffray Jean-Michel1308962FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910252739303321Lettres d’un capitaine terre-neuvas3029216UNINA01235nam0 2200289 i 450 VAN005591420240123101345.663978-88-339-5665-720061114d2001 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Crittografiaprincipi, algoritmi, applicazioniPaolo Ferragina e Fabrizio LuccioTorinoBollati Boringhieri2001160 p.22 cm001VAN00449412001 Nuova didattica. Scienze210 TorinoBollati Boringhieri.94A60Cryptography [MSC 2020]VANC019699MFTorinoVANL000001FerraginaPaoloVANV04441666343LuccioFabrizioVANV0362281245Bollati Boringhieri <editore>VANV107995650ITSOL20240126RICAVAN0055914BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08CONS 94-XX 1365 08VS 4451 I a 20061114 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08PREST 94-XX 1365 08VS 4452 I b 20061114 Crittografia377834UNICAMPANIA05603oam 22007932 450 991047683460332120241107094531.097810003704471000370445978036781716903678171609781000370485100037048810.4324/9780367817169(CKB)4100000011774631(MiAaPQ)EBC6484933(Au-PeEL)EBL6484933(OCoLC)1239989880(OCoLC)1230255134(OCoLC-P)1230255134(FlBoTFG)9780367817169(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/67946(MiAaPQ)EBC7244916(Au-PeEL)EBL7244916(ODN)ODN0005837927(ScCtBLL)f5a1b31a-1bcf-40c9-b2f5-9da7cda23d7c(EXLCZ)99410000001177463120210105d2021 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSolidarity in the media and public contention over refugees in Europe /Manlio Cinalli, Hans-Jörg Trenz, Verena K. Brandle, Olga Eisele, Christian LahusenTaylor & Francis2021Abingdon, Oxon ; New York :Routledge,2021.1 online resource (221 pages)Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics 9780367753221 0367753227 9780367419950 0367419955 <OL><LI>Introduction: A Divided Europe? Solidarity contestation in the public domain</LI><P>Part I</P><P><LI>Debating solidarity across borders: the public sphere and role of the media</LI><P></P><P><LI>Claims-making analysis and its applications in media and communication studies</LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity under siege: The 'Refugee Crisis' in the news media</LI><P></P><P><LI>Bottom-up solidarity contestation through social media: How Facebook users respond to political news </LI><P></P><P>Part II</P><P><LI>Solidarity Contestation in Switzerland: Fragmented news -- fragmented solidarity?</LI><P></P><P><LI>Contesting Refugee Solidarity in Germany -- 'Can We Really Do It?'</LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity contestation in Denmark: A national escape from transnational crisis </LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity contestation in France: bottom-up polarisation and segmentation</LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity contestation in Greece: Standing on n the verge of emergency </LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity contestation Italy: a dual debate between regulatory and confrontational discussions</LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity contestation in Poland: The categorical denial of responsibility</LI><P></P><P><LI>Solidarity contestation in the UK: Reluctance during political uncertainty</LI><P></P><P></P><P><LI>Conclusion: The divided Europe of solidarity contestation</LI><P></P></OL>"This book examines the 'European refugee crisis', offering an in-depth comparative analysis of how public attitudes towards refugees and humanitarian dispositions are shaped by political news coverage. An international team of authors address the role of the media in contesting solidarity towards refugees from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Focusing on the public sphere, the book follows the assumption that solidarity is a social value, political concept and legal principle that is discursively constructed in public contentions. The analysis refers systematically and comparatively to eight European countries, namely, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Treatment of data is also original in the way it deals with variations of public spheres by combining a news media claims-making analysis with a social media reception analysis. In particular, the book highlights the prominent role of the mass media in shaping national and transnational solidarity, while exploring the readiness of the mass media to extend thick conceptions of solidarity to non-members. It proposes a research design for the comparative analysis of online news reception and considers the innovative potential of this method in relation to established public opinion research. The book is of particular interests for scholars who are interested in the fields of European solidarity, migration and refugees, contentious politics, while providing an approach that talks to scholars of journalism and political communication studies, as well as digital journalism and online news reception"--Provided by publisher.Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics Mass media and immigrantsEuropeRefugeesEuropePublic opinionRefugeesPress coverageEuropeSolidarityEuropeSOCIAL SCIENCE / Media StudiesbisacshMass media and immigrantsRefugeesPublic opinion.RefugeesPress coverageSolidaritySOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies302.23086912302.23086912POL058000SOC053000bisacshCinalli Manlio850150Trenz Hans-JörgBrändle Verena K.Eisele OlgaLahusen ChristianOCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910476834603321Solidarity in the media and public contention over refugees in Europe2878513UNINA