01619nam2 2200349 i 450 VAN005186420180409115309.55404-86600-89-0978-04-86600-89-520060911d1956 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||ˆ2: ‰Books 3.-9. /Euclides] ; translated from the text of Heiberg with introduction and commentary by Thomas L. Heath2. ed. revised with additionsNew YorkDover1956436 p.ill.21 cm.001VAN00518602001 ˆThe ‰thirteen books of Euclid's Elementstranslated from the text of Heiberg with introduction and commentary by Thomas L. Heath205 2. ed. revised with additions210 New YorkDover1956215 3 volumiill.21 cm.201-XXHistory and biography [MSC 2020]VANC021469MFUSNew YorkVANL000011EuclidesVANV02135140842HeathThomas L. SirVANV019644Dover <editore>VANV108158650EuclideEuclidesVANV079437Heath, Sir Thomas L.Heath, Thomas L. SirVANV027158Heath, Thomas LittleHeath, Thomas L. SirVANV027157ITSOL20230714RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08VAN0051864BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08PREST 01-XX 1842 08 3483 VI 20060911 Books 3.-91405023UNICAMPANIA