01323nac# 2200229 i 450 VAN002908620081020120000.020041129f |0itac50 baNL|||| |||||b||||||||||Information technology & law seriesThe HagueTMC Asser.001VAN00290872001 E-government and its implications for administrative law regulatory initiatives in France, Germany, Norway and the United Statesedited by J.E.J. Prins ... [et al.]210 The HagueAsser2002215 x, 225 p.25 cm.1001VAN00312542001 Digital anonymity and the lawtensions and dimensionsedited by C. Nicoll, J.E.J. Prins, M.J.M. van Dellen210 The HagueAsser2003215 xiv, 307 p.ill.25 cm.2001VAN00290822001 Protecting the virtual commonsself-organizing open source and free software communities and innovative intellectual property regimesR. van Wendel de Joode, J.A. de Bruijn, M.J.G. van Eeten210 The HagueT.M.C. Asser2003215 xii, 168 p.ill.25 cm.3L'AiaVANL000908Asser <editore>VANV109258650ITSOL20240503RICAVAN0029086Information technology & law series1775125UNICAMPANIA