02092nam0 22004573i 450 VAN0018940920240806101126.31N978331956490620210721d2017 |0itac50 baengCH|||| |||||Integrative Study of the Mean Sea Level and Its ComponentsAnny Cazenave …et al.] editorsChamSpringer2017vii, 416 p.ill.24 cmPreviously published in: Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2017001VAN001327322001 Space Sciences Series of ISSIInternational Space Science Institute210 BerlinSpringer58VAN00189410Integrative Study of the Mean Sea Level and Its Components183175200A79 (77-XX)Physics [MSC 2020]VANC023182MF86-XXGeophysics [MSC 2020]VANC023269MF86A08Climate science and climate modeling [MSC 2020]VANC036694MFAltimetry eraKW:KContributors to Sea LevelKW:KESA Climate Change InitiativeKW:KHydrologyKW:KOceanographyKW:KRemote Sensing and Sea LevelKW:KSea Level ObservationsKW:KSea Level Processes at Regional ScaleKW:KSea Level ProjectionsKW:KCHChamVANL001889CazenaveAnnyVANV144083Springer <editore>VANV108073650ITSOL20241115RICAhttp://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56490-6E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN00189409BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08DLOAD e-book 3155 08eMF3155 20210721 Integrative Study of the Mean Sea Level and Its Components1831752UNICAMPANIA