01428nam2 2200313 i 450 VAN0006376520241120122555.75608-983503-0-120080409d1985 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||ˆ30: ‰Italian masters of the sixteenth centuryEnea Vicoedited by John SpikeNew YorkAbaris books1985331 p.in gran parte ill.31 cmSul front.: Formerly volume 15 (part 3)001VAN000373322001 ˆThe ‰illustrated Bartschgeneral editor: Walter L. Strauss[poi] founding editor Walter L. Straussgeneral editor John T. Spike210 New YorkAbaris books215 volumiill.31 cm.30INCISIONE ITALIANASec. 16.VANC024792FIVico, EneaVANC024793FIUSNew YorkVANL000011SpikeJohn T.VANV026298Abaris booksVANV110233650Spike, J. T.Spike, John T.VANV065713ITSOL20241122RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN07VAN00063765BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07CONS Ne 1160 07 12465 20080409 Italian masters of the sixteenth century917527UNICAMPANIA