01461nam2 2200289 i 450 VAN0004793720240806100444.28991-7042-148-X20060718d1994 |0itac50 baengSE|||| |||||ˆ7: ‰Trial trenches, tombs and surface findsby Leni Wendt ... [et al.]with contributions by M. Pennacchioni ... [et al.]bibliography of Acquarossa by Charlotte Wikander and Orjan WikanderStockholmSvenska institutet i Rom1994302 p.ill.30 cm2 c. geogr.001VAN000477632001 Acquarossaresults of excavations conducted by the Swedish institute of classical studies at Rome and the Soprintendenza alle antichità dell'Etruria meridionale210 StockholmSvenska institutet i Rom215 v.ill.30 cm7StoccolmaVANL001209PennacchioniMassimoVANV038093WendtLeniVANV037978WikanderCharlotteVANV037963WikanderOrjanVANV037997ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103VAN07VAN00047937BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07CONS Ba Acquarossa 07 10114 7 20060718 Trial trenches, tombs and surface finds86242UNICAMPANIA