01455nam2 22003131i 450 VAN0004539920240806100435.44708-900619-1-220061212d1982 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||ˆ2: ‰Radar remote sensing and surface scattering and emission theoryFawwaz T. Ulaby, Richard K. Moore, Adrian K. FungNorwood, MAArtech House1982XIX, 457-1064 p.ill.25 cm001VAN000453932001 Microwave remote sensingactive and passiveFawwaz T. Ulaby, Richard K. Moore, Adrian K. Fung210 Norwood, MAArtech house1981-1986215 3 volumi24 cm2NorwoodVANL000698UlabyFawwaz TayssiVANV036495730641FungAdrian K.VANV036497518052MooreRichard K.VANV036496104404Artech house <editore>VANV108429650Fung, A.K.Fung, Adrian K.VANV062268Fung, A. K.Fung, Adrian K.VANV062269ITSOL20250221RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIAIT-CE0100VAN05VAN00045399BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05PREST K 803 05NS 2341 20061212 Radar remote sensing and surface scattering and emission theory1403794UNICAMPANIA