01457nam0 2200361 i 450 SUN012333020200409092558.6870.00N978331941190320190916d2017 |0engc50 baengCH|||| |||||*Applications of Chalcogenides: S, Se, and TeGurinder Kaur Ahluwalia editorCham : Springer, 2017XIII461 p.ill. ; 24 cmPubblicazione in formato elettronicoCHChamSUNL001889621.36Ingegneria ottica. Ottica applicata22546Chimica inorganica22620.5Nanotecnologia22620.1Scienza dei materiali22541.377Semiconduttori22Ahluwalia, Gurinder K.SUNV094720SpringerSUNV000178650Ahluwalia, Gurinder KaurAhluwalia, Gurinder K.SUNV094721Ahluwalia, G. K.Ahluwalia, Gurinder K.SUNV094722ITSOL20200921RICAhttps://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-41190-3SUN0123330UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17CONS e-book 2111 17BIB2111 40 20190916 Applications of Chalcogenides: S, Se, and Te1560412UNICAMPANIA04313nam 2200673Ia 450 991046546930332120200520144314.01-283-59715-2978661390960290-04-23458-610.1163/9789004234581(CKB)2560000000093337(EBL)1021458(OCoLC)811505182(SSID)ssj0000713434(PQKBManifestationID)11424980(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000713434(PQKBWorkID)10651230(PQKB)10185339(MiAaPQ)EBC1021458(nllekb)BRILL9789004234581(PPN)174547919sudoc(PPN)170756297(Au-PeEL)EBL1021458(CaPaEBR)ebr10599070(CaONFJC)MIL390960(EXLCZ)99256000000009333720120620d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCultural tourism and identity[electronic resource] rethinking indigeneity /edited by Keyan G. TomaselliBoston Brillc20121 online resource (249 p.)Afrika-studiecentrum series ;24Description based upon print version of record.90-04-23418-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- “Die Geld is Op” – Storytelling, Business and Development Strategies /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- Making Sense of the Indigenous: Who’s Looking at Whom? /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- Research Phases: What Have We Been Doing? /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- Research, Method and Position: What Are We Doing? /Nyasha Mboti -- Shifting Representations of the Bushmen /Kate Finlay and Shanade Barnabas -- Intercultural Encounters: The Kalahari and The Zulu /Alexandra von Stauss -- Staging Authenticity Via Cultural Tourism: A Visitation of Spirits /Jeffrey Sehume -- Place, Representation and Myth /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- Action (Marketing) Research and Paradigms in Partnership: A Critical Analysis of !Xaus Lodge /Lauren Dyll-Myklebust and Kate Finlay -- Why is our Voice Not Being Heard by Developers? Development as Empowerment /Vanessa McLennan-Dodd and Shanade Barnabas -- Developmental and Cultural Conceptions – A Matter of Injustice /Brilliant Mhlanga -- The !Xaus Lodge Experience: Matters Arising /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- Public-Private-Community Partnership Model for Participatory Lodge (Tourism) Development /Lauren Dyll-Myklebust -- Notes on Authors /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- References /Keyan G. Tomaselli -- Index /Keyan G. Tomaselli.Studies of cultural tourism and indigenous identity are fraught with questions concerning exploitation, entitlement, ownership and authenticity. Unease with the idea of leveraging a group identity for commercial gain is ever-present. This anthology articulates some of these debates from a multitude of standpoints. It assimilates the perspectives of members of indigenous communities, non-governmental organizations, tourism practitioners and academic researchers who participated in an action research project that aims to link research to development outcomes. The book’s authors weave together discordant voices to create a dialogue of sorts, an endeavour to reconcile the divergent needs of the stakeholders in a way that is mutually beneficial. Although this book focuses on the ≠Khomani Bushmen and the Zulu communities of Southern Africa, the issues raised are ubiquitous to the cultural tourism industry anywhere.Afrika-Studiecentrum Series24.Heritage tourismIndigenous peoplesEthnic identityIndigenous peoplesPublic opinionElectronic books.Heritage tourism.Indigenous peoplesEthnic identity.Indigenous peoplesPublic opinion.338.4/791Tomaselli Keyan G.1948-481910MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910465469303321Cultural tourism and identity1948791UNINA