01069nam0 22002653i 450 SUN011859820181126010956.4988--3-48-71-39-10.0020181126d1998 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||La *diseredazioneDomenico RussoTorino : G. Giappichelli, 1998XIII242 p. ; 23 cmIn appendice: Aspetti pratici d'interesse notarile, Rassegna giurisprudenziale, dello stesso A001SUN00078092001 Ars notaria collana di diritto notarilecoordinata da Maria Claudia Andrini4210 TorinoGiappichelli.TorinoSUNL000001Russo, DomenicoSUNV000457264424GiappichelliSUNV000045650ITSOL20181203RICASUN0118598UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS BNA.297 4 00BNA3368 20181126 Diseredazione662534UNICAMPANIA03042nam 2200613 a 450 991045753880332120200520144314.01-283-95235-11-78042-814-6(CKB)2550000000088913(EBL)886906(OCoLC)777401356(SSID)ssj0000635116(PQKBManifestationID)12273959(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000635116(PQKBWorkID)10652097(PQKB)11159603(MiAaPQ)EBC886906(PPN)197274153(Au-PeEL)EBL886906(CaPaEBR)ebr10532490(CaONFJC)MIL426485(EXLCZ)99255000000008891320120315d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrExpressionism[electronic resource] /Ashley Bassie[New York] Parkstone International[2012]1 online resource (200 p.)Collection art of centuryDescription based upon print version of record.1-84484-457-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; WHAT IS EXPRESSIONISM?; "GERMAN" ART?; Expressionism's Origins and Sources; THE BODY AND NATURE; THE SELF AND THE PSYCHE; THE METROPOLIS AND MODERNITY; VISION AND THE SPIRIT; WAR AND REVOLUTION; THE END OF EXPRESSIONISM?; MAJOR ARTISTS; MAX BECKMANN (1884 Leipzig - 1950 New York); OTTO DIX (1891 Untermhaus bei Gera - 1969 Singen); GEORGE GROSZ (1893 Berlin - 1959 Berlin); WASSILY KANDINSKY (1866 Moscow - 1944 Neuilly-sur-Seine); E.L. KIRCHNER (1880 Aschaffenburg - 1938 Frauenkirch); PAUL KLEE (1879 nr. Berne - 1940 Muralto)OSKAR KOKOSCHKA (1886 Pöchlarn an der Donau - 1980 Montreux)FRANZ MARC (1880 Munich - 1916 Verdun); EMIL NOLDE (1867 Nolde-1956 Seebüll); EGON SCHIELE (1890 Tulln - 1918 Vienna); Bibliography; IndexMax Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Emil Nolde, E.L. Kirchner, Paul Klee, Franz Marc as well as the Austrians Oskar Kokoschka and Egon Schiele were among the generation of highly individual artists who contributed to the vivid and often controversial new movement in early twentieth-century Germany and Austria: Expressionism. This publication introduces these artists and their work.The author, art historian Ashley Bassie, explains how Expressionist art led the way to a new, intense, evocative treatment of psychological, emotional and social themes in the early twentieth century. The book examArt of century collection.Expressionism (Art)Art, Modern20th centuryElectronic books.Expressionism (Art)Art, Modern709.04Bassie Ashley595585MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910457538803321Expressionism2444617UNINA01982nam 22004453 450 991055449930332120231110230107.03-11-240236-710.1515/9783112402368(CKB)4100000012023698(MiAaPQ)EBC6720118(Au-PeEL)EBL6720118(OCoLC)1267765759(DE-B1597)590845(DE-B1597)9783112402368(OCoLC)1280945508(EXLCZ)99410000001202369820211214d2013 uy 0gerurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDschihadismus in Pakistan Geschichte, Entwicklung, PerspektivenBasel/Berlin/Boston :Klaus-Schwarz-Verlag GmbH,2013.©2021.1 online resource (168 pages)Studies on Modern Orient ;v.25Frontmatter -- INHALTSVERZEICHNIS -- Vorwort -- 1 Südasien: Im Epizentrum globaler islamistischer Militanz -- 2 Pakistan - Eine islamische Nation -- 3 Das Militär und die Mullahs: Die Institutionalisierung einer Allianz -- 4 Ein doppeltes Spiel: Islamabad, der Westen und der Kampf gegen den Terror -- 5 Resümee: Pakistan - Ein gescheiterter Staat -- 6 Kontrollierte Aggression: Die Hizb ul-Mugähidin im Kaschmirkonflikt -- 7 Laskar-e Taiba: Eine religiöse Sekte als globaler Akteur -- 8 Vom Verbündeten zum Staatsfeind: Die Gais-e Mohammed -- 9 Exkurs: Homegrown terrorism am Beispiel des Ulm-Sauerländer Netzwerks -- Nachwort -- AnhangStudies on Modern Orient POLITICAL SCIENCE / GeneralbisacshPOLITICAL SCIENCE / General.Timm Daniel Matthias1218356MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910554499303321Dschihadismus in Pakistan2817476UNINA