01901nam2 22003373i 450 SUN011630320180516090556.10090-654-4700-80.0020180511d1993 |0engc50 baengFREGERNL|||| |||||1: * Interpretation of double taxation conventionsInternational Tax Congress (47th1993Florence, Italy)DeventerBostonKluwer Law and Taxation1993. – 678 p. ; 23 cmTesto in Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Spagnolo.001SUN01158492001 *Cahiers de droit fiscal internationalédités par l'Association fiscale internationale. – DeventerBostonKluwer law and taxation publishers.78a001SUN01163012001 *47th Congress of international fiscal associationFlorence, 1993International Tax Congress (47th1993Florence, Italy)1210 DeventerBostonKluwer Law and Taxation1993. – 2 volumi ; 23 cm.SUN0116305 Interprétation des conventions de double imposition.SUN0116306ˆDie ‰Auslesung von Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen.SUN0116307Interpretación de los convenios de doble imposición.BostonSUNL000051DeventerSUNL000576International Tax Congress47th : 1993 : Florence, ItalySUNV089778KluwerSUNV000231650ITSOL20181109RICAUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE POLITICHE JEAN MONNETSUN04SUN0116303UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE POLITICHE JEAN MONNET04 OMA1720 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE POLITICHE JEAN MONNETOMA1720paInterpretation of double taxation conventions1521338UNICAMPANIA04113nam 2201081z- 450 991068844830332120231214133049.0(CKB)5400000000042732(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58394.3(EXLCZ)99540000000004273220202301d2016 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierReview of Invertebrate Biological Control Agents Introduced into EuropeUK CABI20161 electronic resource (194 p.)1-78639-081-7 This review provides an overview of all documented releases of exotic (non-European) invertebrate biological control agents (IBCAs) into the environment in Europe and summarizes key information on the target species as well as on the biological control agent released. It is an update of A Review of Biological Control in Western and Southern Europe edited by Greathead (1976) and covers the period from 1897, when the beetle Rodolia cardinalis was introduced into Portugal against the invasive cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi, until the end of 2009. This review is based largely on the BIOCAT database (Greathead and Greathead 1992), which contains records of the introduction of insect natural enemies, namely parasitoids and predators, for the control of insect pests worldwide. This review may not provide the complete list of BC agents introduced into Europe. Nevertheless, the report includes a vast majority of the introductions, and hence provides a representative picture of the history of releases of exotic BC agents into the environment in Europe.Pest controlbicsscInsects (entomology)bicsscAgricultural sciencebicsscbiological control agentsinvasivesnonindigenous speciesRodoliaColeopteraarthropodsPortugalreviewsexotic speciescottony-cushion scaleIceryaanimalspest controlinsect pestsCommunity of Portuguese Language Countriesinvasive organismseukaryotesdatabasesnonindigenous organismsEuropeRodolia cardinalisplant pestsbiocontrol agentsbiological controlCoccoideainsectsnon-native speciesinvasive alien speciesCoccinellidaeinsect controlSouthern EuropeparasitoidsMediterranean Regionpest insectsnon-indigenous speciesnon-native organismspestsIcerya purchasidata banksOECD Countriesbiocontrolpest arthropodsHemipteraEuropean Union Countriespredatorsintroduced organismsMonophlebidaeinvasive speciesnatural enemiesDeveloped Countriesbiological control organismsexotic organismsarthropod pestsparasitesHexapodainvertebratesalien invasive speciesintroduced speciesSternorrhynchanon-indigenous organismsPest controlInsects (entomology)Agricultural scienceSchaffner Ursauth1351681Gerber EstherauthBOOK9910688448303321Review of Invertebrate Biological Control Agents Introduced into Europe3127348UNINA