01540nam0 2200349 i 450 SUN010323120151120101600.4988-3-319-02128-70.00N978-3-319-02129-420151029d2014 |0engc50 baengCH|||| |||||A *textbook on ordinary differential equationsShair Ahmad, Antonio AmbrosettiCham : Springer, 2014XIV304 p.ill. ; 24 cmPubblicazione in formato elettronico001SUN00455762001 *Unitext73210 MilanoSpringer1985-.34-XXOrdinary differential equations [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02125134DxxStability theory for ordinary differential equation [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02233334BxxBoundary value problems for ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020]MFSUNC02348534AxxGeneral theory for ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020]MFSUNC023535CHChamSUNL001889Ahmad, ShairSUNV08056158732Ambrosetti, AntonioSUNV04042338493SpringerSUNV000178650ITSOL20201019RICAhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02129-4SUN0103231BIBLIOTECA CENTRO DI SERVIZIO SBA15CONS SBA EBOOK 4643 15EB 4643 20191106 Textbook on ordinary differential equations1410203UNICAMPANIA04721oam 2201009 n 450 991049600870332120231012231019.084-9096-258-8(CKB)5590000000429188(FrMaCLE)OB-cvz-22697(PPN)251071243(EXLCZ)99559000000042918820201130j|||||||| ||| 0spaur||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLa muerte de los príncipes en la Edad MediaBalance y perspectivas historiográficasFermín Miranda García, María Teresa López de Guereño SanzMadrid :Casa de Velázquez,2020.1 online resource (XVI-426 pages)849096257X Siguiendo un claro enfoque multidisciplinar, este libro presenta un balance historiográfico sobre la muerte de los príncipes en la Edad Media, tanto hispana como francesa, entendiendo el término «príncipes» en su sentido más amplio. No solo se examinan casos particulares relativos a los miembros de la familia regia, sino que se profundiza también en los diversos ámbitos de la aristocracia eclesiástica, militar y urbana. Desde la ritualización funeraria —liturgia, música—, la memoria cronística y documental, las obras de arte o su reflejo en la literatura, hasta la antropología física, los estudios presentados se enfocan a calibrar la relación de la muerte y su tratamiento con la imagen del poder que dichas élites proyectan y su emulación por parte de los restantes grupos sociales. Ce livre présente un bilan historiographique de la mort des « princes » au Moyen Age en France et dans la péninsule ibérique. Le terme de prince est pris ici dans un sens large, c’est-à-dire non seulement les membres de la famille royale, mais aussi les aristocraties ecclésiastiques, militaires et urbaines, afin d'étudier avec une approche multidisciplinaire la relation de la mort et son traitement avec l’image du pouvoir que ces élites projettent et son émulation par les autres groupes sociaux.Medieval & Renaissance StudiesmortéliteMoyen Âgepouvoirritualisationmémoirerite funérairemuerteEdad Mediapoderritualizaciónmemoriarito funerarioEuropeKings and rulersDeath and burialSpainKings and rulersDeath and burialMedieval & Renaissance StudiesmortéliteMoyen Âgepouvoirritualisationmémoirerite funérairemuerteEdad Mediapoderritualizaciónmemoriarito funerarioAlves Moreira Filipe1430385Asensio Juan Carlos1430386Benítez Guerrero Carmen1985-1430387Cabrera Sánchez Margarita1430388Cambra-Moo Óscar1430389Campo Martín Manuel1430390Cingolani Stefano Maria155126Debiais Vincent1285740González Cavero Ignacio1430391González Martín Armando1430392Guiance Ariel167294Herreros Lopetegui Susana1430393Lamazou-Duplan Véronique1305129López de Guereño Sanz María Teresa1430394López de Guereño Sanz María Teresa1430395López Gómez Érika1430396Marías Clara1430397Miranda García Fermín1325637Molina Moreno Ma. Mercedes(María Mercedes)1430398Morvan Haude1223616Osés Urricelqui Merche1430399Palacios Ontalva J. Santiago1430400Ramírez Vaquero Eloísa1430401Rascón Pérez Josefina1430402Rodríguez-Peña Diego1430403Ruiz de la Peña González Isabel1973-1430404Sultan Agathe1318924Vasconcelos Vilar Hermínia1286779López de Guereño Sanz María Teresa1430405FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910496008703321La muerte de los príncipes en la Edad Media3570108UNINA04462nam 22006255 450 991039271420332120200706073612.03-030-42859-110.1007/978-3-030-42859-4(CKB)4100000011223401(MiAaPQ)EBC6186867(DE-He213)978-3-030-42859-4(PPN)243762607(EXLCZ)99410000001122340120200423d2020 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvances in Experimental and Genetic Mineralogy Special Publication to 50th Anniversary of DS Korzhinskii Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences /edited by Yuriy Litvin, Oleg Safonov1st ed. 2020.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer,2020.1 online resource (357 pages)Springer Mineralogy,2366-15853-030-42858-3 1. Phase Composition and States of Water-Hydrocarbon Fluids at Elevated and High Temperatures and Pressures (Experiment with the Use of Synthetic Fluid Inclusions) -- 2. Experimental studies of hydrothermal fluid -- 3. Influence of Silicate Substance on Pyrochlore and Tantalite Solubility in Fluoride Aqueous Solutions (Experimental Studies) -- 4. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Viscosity of the Fluid Magmatic Systems in Conjuction with the Structure of Melts at the Thermodynamic Parameters of the Earth’s Crust and Upper Mantle -- 5. Crystallization of CPX in the Ab-Di System under the Oscillating Temperature: Contrast Dynamic Modes at Different Periods of Oscillation -- 6. Solubility and Volatility of Moo3 in High-Temperature Aqueous Solutions.This book presents fundamental experimental data and experiment-based theoretical conclusions on, as well as physico-chemical models of, the natural hydrothermal, metasomatic, metamorphic, magmatic and ore-producing processes in the Earth’s crust, upper mantle, transition zone and lower mantle. The topics discussed concern the interactions of oil and aqueous fluids as revealed by aqueous-hydrocarbonic inclusions in synthetic quartz and applied to the natural evolution of oil; determining the solubility and inter-phase partitioning of trace and strategic elements and their components; and experimentally validating physico-chemical mechanisms in the ultrabasic-basic evolution of deep-mantle magmatic and diamond-forming systems. In addition, the book presents experimental studies on the physico-chemical properties of supercritical water and hydrothermal fluids, viscosity of acidic ultramafic magmatic materials melts, peculiarities of metamorphism in basic rocks, kinetics of mineral nucleation in silicate melts and hydrothermal solutions, and influence of complex H2O-CO2-HCl fluids on melting relations in mantle-crust rocks, together with novel results and conclusions. Given its scope, the book will be of great interest to all Earth scientists, lecturers and students specialized in experimental and genetic mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry.Springer Mineralogy,2366-1585GeochemistryMineralogyMaterials scienceAnalytical chemistryGeochemistryhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/G14003Mineralogyhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/G38000Materials Science, generalhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/Z00000Analytical Chemistryhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/C11006Geochemistry.Mineralogy.Materials science.Analytical chemistry.Geochemistry.Mineralogy.Materials Science, general.Analytical Chemistry.549Litvin Yuriyedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtSafonov Olegedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910392714203321Advances in Experimental and Genetic Mineralogy2247655UNINA