01201nam0 22003013i 450 SUN009767020140428103819.1810.00IT84292820140424d1982 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Analisi di gestione nelle cooperative agricolerisultati di un'indagine pilotaAlessandro PaccianiBolognaIl mulino1982134 p.24 cm.001SUN00976712001 MetodologieIstituto nazionale di economia agraria2210 BolognaIl mulino.CooperativeFISUNC005691BolognaSUNL000003334.621Pacciani, AlessandroSUNV07728271325Il mulinoSUNV000011650ITSOL20181109RICASUN0097670UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ECONOMIA03 PREST IIINb7 03 1424 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ECONOMIAIT-CE01061424PREST IIINb7paAnalisi di gestione nelle cooperative agricole373026UNICAMPANIA01722nam0 2200313 i 450 VAN007539120221128030500.284978-88-08-18434-420100510d2008 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Microbiologia ambientale ed elementi di ecologia microbicaa cura di Paola Barbieri ... [et al.]MilanoCEA2008XVIII, 526 p.ill.27 cmMilanoVANL000284579.17Ecologia microbica Ecologia, organismi caratteristici di specifici ambienti22660.6Biotecnologia. Microbiologia applicata22BarbieriPaolaVANV063860Ambrosiana <editore>VANV108275650ITSOL20230616RICA/sebina/catalogazione/showImage.do?fname=Copertina 75391.jpg&path=IMG&p=false&f=bigCopertina 75391.jpg/sebina/repository/catalogazione/documenti/Indice 75391.pdfIndice 75391.pdfVAN0075391BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17CONS Ra66 17BIB845 20100510 BuonoBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17PREST Ra65 17BIB844 20100510 SottolineatoBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17PREST Ra67 17BIB846 20100510 BuonoMicrobiologia ambientale1228070UNICAMPANIA04357nam 2200877z- 450 991055737000332120231214133151.0(CKB)5400000000042191(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/77159(EXLCZ)99540000000004219120202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEnergy Security as a Key Driving Factor for Socioeconomic Development: From Mitigation to SolutionBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (116 p.)3-0365-2689-7 3-0365-2688-9 This book looks at the increasing demand for energy of contemporary societies and economies from around the world. Energy is the driving force behind development. As such, the future challenge will be not only to meet the rising demand but also to implement less reliance on depleting fossil fuels, which cause damage to the environment. Moreover, the sustainability of supplied energy requires a reduction of emissions to control the absorption capacity vis-à-vis the environment. Globally, policymakers have largely recognized the significance of the relationship between energy and economic progress. Policymakers usually consider the social and economic aspects of energy security in terms of affordability and accessibility of service. The conditions of socioeconomic development depend on safe, secure, and sustainable energy at affordable prices. One of the prime concerns of policymakers should be to ensure energy security at the national level. These factors result in an increasing interest in undertaking activities in developing renewable resources. Energy efficiency is treated as the most cost-effective way to reduce energy demand while maintaining stable economic activity. Increasing energy efficiency is an important contributive aspect to solving issues in relation to climate change, energy security, and energy competitiveness. As a result, no country can afford to waste energy—giving rise to this Special Issue of “Energy Security as a Key Driving Factor for Socioeconomic Development: From Mitigation to Solution” in the journal Energies.Energy Security as a Key Driving Factor for Socioeconomic DevelopmentResearch & information: generalbicsscTechnology: general issuesbicsscinnovation capabilityspatial associationindustry upgradeTobit modelintermediary effectsustainable developmentChinacontainer shippingemissionsmaritime transportsustainable shippinggreen shippingIMOcoalenergy povertyjust transitionwomensustainable development goalgenderemploymentenergy burdenpeer-to-peerenergy behaviorenergy justicelow-incomeunderserved communitiesenergy savingsrural-to-urban transitionenergy mitigationurbanization agendasmart cityenergy landscapeurban energy transitionalternative energy technologiessustainable energygeopolitical energy changeCentral and Eastern Europerenewable energyprosumer decisionfactor analysisinvestment decisionResearch & information: generalTechnology: general issuesPawlowska Barbaraedt1288743Cirella Giuseppe TedtPawlowska BarbaraothCirella Giuseppe TothBOOK9910557370003321Energy Security as a Key Driving Factor for Socioeconomic Development: From Mitigation to Solution3020970UNINA