01129nam2 22002653i 450 SUN009569420131018113856.748978-88-06-20244-620131018d2012 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆ3: ‰Dal Romanticismo a oggia cura di Domenico ScarpaTorinoEinaudi2012XII, 1057 p.ill.28 cm.001SUN00956952001 Atlante della letteratura italianaa cura di Sergio Luzzatto e Gabriele Pedullà3210 TorinoEinaudi215 v.28 cm.TorinoSUNL000001Scarpa, DomenicoSUNV076302EinaudiSUNV000030650ITSOL20181109RICASUN0095694UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALI07 CONS Lex c 13 07 DB 280 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI LETTERE E BENI CULTURALIIT-CE0103DB280CONS Lex c 13caDal Romanticismo a oggi1141841UNICAMPANIA01565nam 2200397Ia 450 99639169890331620221108003451.0(CKB)1000000000671240(EEBO)2240922671(UnM)9928902600971(UnM)99895865(EXLCZ)99100000000067124019980921d1674 uy |engurbn||||a|bb|Rose, 1674[electronic resource] A new almanack for the year, from the nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1674. being second from the bissextile or, leap-year; and from the creation of the world, 5649. Calculated for the meridian of the honourable city of London, whose latitude is 51. degrees 32. minutes, and may serve for any other part of England. By George Rose mathemLondon printed by Robert White, for the Company of Stationers1674[40] p. ill. (woodcut)Title page and calendar in red and black.Signatures: [A] B C⁴.Reproduction of original in the Bodleian Library.eebo-0014AstrologyEarly works to 1800EphemeridesEarly works to 1800Almanacs, EnglishEarly works to 1800AstrologyEphemeridesAlmanacs, EnglishRose Georgemathematician.1002035Cu-RivESCu-RivESWaOLNBOOK996391698903316Rose, 16742325642UNISA