01338nam0 2200301 i 450 SUN007034620180316112830.77100-7122-661-30.0020090601d2002 |0engc50 baengNL|||| |||||*Probability, random variables, and stochastic processesAthanasios Papoulis, S. Unnikrishna Pillai4. edBostonMcGraw-Hill2002X, 852 p.ill.25 cm.001SUN00369072001 McGraw-Hill series in electrical engineering. Communications and signal processing210 New YorkMcGraw-Hill.BostonSUNL000051519.221Papoulis, AthanasiosSUNV0304091556Pillai, S.UnnikrishnaSUNV055392724970McGraw HillSUNV000135650ITSOL20190930RICASUN0070346UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05CONS D IV 518 05INF581 20190923 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05CONS D IV 404 05 5344 20090601 Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes1414663UNICAMPANIA02856 am 2200493 n 450 991049579910332120240104030448.02-7535-6918-510.4000/books.pur.117998(CKB)4100000008710911(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-117998(PPN)26796174X(EXLCZ)99410000000871091120190717j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Juifs et NabatéensLes monarchies ethniques du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romainChristian-Georges SchwentzelRennesPresses universitaires de Rennes20191 online resource (310 p.) 2-7535-2229-4 Comment les monarques juifs et nabatéens parvinrent-ils à incarner leur ethnicité ? Quelle était l’identité officiellement assumée par ces souverains ? Par quels moyens l’imagerie officielle affichait-elle l’appartenance à un ethnos particulier, tout en revendiquant, le plus souvent, pour le monarque un statut équivalent aux autres rois contemporains ? Cette ethnicité proclamée, qui semble toujours plus ou moins s’inscrire dans un contexte de bilinguisme culturel, n’était-elle pas fondamentalement ambigüe ? Peut-on rapprocher les stratégies mises en œuvre par les souverains juifs et nabatéens de celles menées en Égypte par les Ptolémées, et enrichir ainsi la recherche sur les sociétés doubles ou janiformes des époques hellénistique et romaine ? Les tentatives de l’auteur pour répondre à ces questions constituent les principales lignes directrices de cet ouvrage, tiré d’un mémoire inédit de HDR, soutenu à l’université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne en novembre 2011. À la croisée des études anthropologiques et politiques sur le Proche-Orient antique, ce livre se propose de mettre en évidence une forme spécifique de souverain : le monarque ethnique. Il met également en exergue des constructions politiques et identitaires originales, remettant en cause, au passage, la vision généralement défavorable qui caractérise les monarques hasmonéens ou encore Hérode le Grand dans l’historiographie traditionnelle.HistoryProche-OrientjuifsNabatéensmonarchierois et souverainsAntiquitéethnicitéHistoryProche-OrientjuifsNabatéensmonarchierois et souverainsAntiquitéethnicitéSchwentzel Christian-Georges1287422Legras Bernard308684FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495799103321Juifs et Nabatéens3658238UNINA05530nam 22006495 450 991036657520332120230213150107.0981-15-0255-210.1007/978-981-15-0255-2(CKB)4100000009836991(MiAaPQ)EBC5972885(DE-He213)978-981-15-0255-2(EXLCZ)99410000000983699120191105d2020 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Appellate Body of the WTO and Its Reform /edited by Chang-fa Lo, Junji Nakagawa, Tsai-fang Chen1st ed. 2020.Singapore :Springer Singapore :Imprint: Springer,2020.1 online resource (344 pages)981-15-0254-4 Part I: The AB in the WTO Governance and Its Reform – Broader Perspectives -- Introduction: Saving the Jewel in the Crown -- Between “Member-Driven Governance” and “Judicialization”: Constitutional and Judicial Dilemmas in The World Trading System -- Reforming the Appellate Body -- The AB Crisis as Symptomatic of the WTO’s Foundational Defects or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the AB -- The Impending Demise of the WTO Appellate Body: From Centrepiece to Historical Relic? -- WTO Appellate Body Overreach and the Crisis in the Making: A View from the South -- Part II: Reforms in Relation to the Basic Functions of the AB -- Why the WTO Adjudicatory Crisis Will Not Be Easily Solved: Defining and Responding to “Judicial -- Activism” -- A Proper Balance between WTO’s Members-Driven Nature and the Appellate Body’s Role as an Adjudicator – Careful Exercise of Judicial Activism -- The Judicial Style of the Appellate Body -- Interpretative Authority of the Appellate Body: Replies to the Criticism by the United States -- Judicial Economy and Advisory Opinions of the Appellate Body – Potential Reform of Article 17.12 of the DSU -- The Use of Panel Process to Improve the Function of the Appellate Body: A Proposal to Utilize the Expert Review Group -- Part III: Options to Address the Crisis and Wider Implications Beyond the WTO -- Disruptive Construction or Constructive Destruction? Reflections on the Appellate Body Crisis -- WTO Appellate Body at Crossroads: Options and Alternatives -- Appointment and Reappointment of the Appellate Body Members: Judiciary or Politics -- Should Appellate Body Members Work Full Time -- The Appellate Body as a Trailblazer – Facilitation of Appellate Mechanism Discussion in Other International Courts -- The WTO AB as a Model for Other Adjudicatory Bodies – the Case of EU Investment Court System -- .This is the first book that critically examines the reform of the Appellate Body (AB) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in light of the current crisis resulting from the U.S. blocking of the appointment of its members. The reform of the AB is critical, as the appointment crisis could lead to the demise of “the jewel in the crown,” which may even cause the dismantling of the WTO as a whole. This book covers various aspects of the crisis and its reform. Specifically, as the crisis cannot be fully understood without reviewing the role of the AB from the broader perspectives of the other functions of the WTO, the book examines the reform of the AB from the broader perspectives of the WTO governance. Additional focus is on the reform of the AB in relation to its specific functions. Available options are provided to address the AB crisis, as well as discussion of wider implications beyond the WTO. Contributed by world-renowned academics, experts, and practitioners in the field of international economic law, this volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the AB crisis and its solutions.International lawTradeMediationDispute resolution (Law)Conflict managementEnvironmental law, InternationalInternational Economic Law, Trade Lawhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/R19050Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Arbitrationhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/R22000Sources and Subjects of International Law, International Organizationshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/R19010International Environmental Lawhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/R19070International law.Trade.Mediation.Dispute resolution (Law)Conflict management.Environmental law, International.International Economic Law, Trade Law.Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration.Sources and Subjects of International Law, International Organizations.International Environmental Law.343.087Lo Chang-faedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtNakagawa Junjiedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtChen Tsai-fangedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910366575203321Appellate Body of the WTO and Its Reform1756130UNINA03662nam 22006735 450 991074368350332120230811152033.0981-19-6990-610.1007/978-981-19-6990-4(MiAaPQ)EBC30727058(Au-PeEL)EBL30727058(DE-He213)978-981-19-6990-4(PPN)272259314(CKB)28141334300041(EXLCZ)992814133430004120230811d2023 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdmissible Consensus and Consensualization for Singular Multi-agent Systems /by Jianxiang Xi, Le Wang, Xiaogang Yang, Jiuan Gao, Ruitao Lu1st ed. 2023.Singapore :Springer Nature Singapore :Imprint: Springer,2023.1 online resource (285 pages)Engineering Applications of Computational Methods,2662-3374 ;11Print version: Xi, Jianxiang Admissible Consensus and Consensualization for Singular Multi-Agent Systems Singapore : Springer Singapore Pte. Limited,c2023 9789811969898 Introduction -- Fundamental Theory -- Admissible Consensus and Consensualization on Interaction topology -- Admissible Consensus and Consensualization with Time Delays -- Admissible 2 L Consensus and Consensualization with External Disturbances -- Admissible Consensus and Consensualization with Protocol State Constraints -- Admissible Consensus and Consensualization with Energy constraints -- Admissible Formation Tracking with Energy constraints.This book explores admissible consensus analysis and design problems concerning singular multi-agent systems, addressing various impact factors including time delays, external disturbances, switching topologies, protocol states, topology structures, and performance constraint. It also discusses the state-space decomposition method, a key technique that can decompose the motions of singular multi-agent systems into two parts: the relative motion and the whole motion. The relative motion is independent of the whole motion. Further, it describes the admissible consensus analysis and determination of the design criteria for different impact factors using the Lyapunov method, the linear matrix inequality tool, and the generalized Riccati equation method. This book is a valuable reference resource for graduate students of control theory and engineering and researchers in the field of multi-agent systems.Engineering Applications of Computational Methods,2662-3374 ;11Automatic controlSystem theoryControl theoryComputer scienceControl and Systems TheorySystems Theory, Control Computer ScienceComplex SystemsAutomatic control.System theory.Control theory.Computer science.Control and Systems Theory.Systems Theory, Control .Computer Science.Complex Systems.006.30285436Xi Jianxiang1427103Wang Le1427104Yang Xiaogang1427105Gao Jiuan1427106Lu Ruitao1427107MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910743683503321Admissible Consensus and Consensualization for Singular Multi-Agent Systems3559875UNINA