01628nam2 2200277 i 450 SUN006747520090224120000.020090224d1991 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||1: Legge delega per la riforma tributaria, violazioni tributarie, accertamento, contenzioso, imposte sui redditi, registro, imposta sul valore aggiunto, regimi forfettari, ICIAP, condono tributarioPasquale Marinocon la collaborazione della dr. Giuseppina MalerbaMilanoETIstampa 19911474 p.27 cm.001SUN00674572001 *Codice tributario 1991 MarinoPasquale Marinocon la collaborazione di Giuseppina Malerba1210 RomaMilanoETIstampa 1991215 2 volumi28 cm.MilanoSUNL000284343.45Diritto costituzionale e amministativo. Italia21Marino, PasqualeSUNV009678112518Malerba, GiuseppinaSUNV046535Editoriale tributaria italianaSUNV005615650ITSOL20181109RICASUN0067475UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ECONOMIA03 CONS 343.45 MAR 1 1 03 28892 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ECONOMIAIT-CE010628892CONS 343.45 MAR 1 1caLegge delega per la riforma tributaria, violazioni tributarie, accertamento, contenzioso, imposte sui redditi, registro, imposta sul valore aggiunto, regimi forfettari, ICIAP, condono tributario1437139UNICAMPANIA03750nam 2200757 a 450 991045531940332120200520144314.00-262-28495-21-282-09687-797866120968770-585-08200-69780262284950ebc3338446(CKB)111004366635372(EBL)3338446(SSID)ssj0000208623(PQKBManifestationID)11912042(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000208623(PQKBWorkID)10257505(PQKB)10481597(SSID)ssj0000519199(PQKBManifestationID)12175604(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000519199(PQKBWorkID)10497476(PQKB)11553843(MiAaPQ)EBC3338446(OCoLC)44962798(OCoLC)60687742(OCoLC)70727783(OCoLC)508274302(OCoLC)532633846(OCoLC)559105142(OCoLC)649218164(OCoLC)666932747(OCoLC)722745745(OCoLC)728028930(OCoLC)815776342(OCoLC)888452827(OCoLC)961610954(OCoLC)961854269(OCoLC)962726809(OCoLC)990589092(OCoLC)1037415630(OCoLC)1078014547(OCoLC-P)44962798(MaCbMITP)4858(Au-PeEL)EBL3338446(CaPaEBR)ebr2001049(CaONFJC)MIL209687(OCoLC)939263612(EXLCZ)9911100436663537219990525d2000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA natural history of rape[electronic resource] biological bases of sexual coercion /Randy Thornhill, Craig T. PalmerCambridge, Mass. MIT Pressc20001 online resource (259 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-262-70083-2 0-262-20125-9 Includes bibliographical references (p. [213]-343) and index.A Natural History of Rape; Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion; Contents; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Rape and Evolutionary Theory; The Evolution of Sex Differences; Why Do Men Rape?; The Pain and Anguish of Rape; Why Have Social Scientists Failed; to Darwinize?; The Social Science Explanation of Rape; Law and Punishment; Social Influences on Male Sexuality; Educational Programs; Barriers; Treatment and Recovery; Conclusion; Notes; Glossary; References; Index"In this sure-to-be-controversial book, Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer use evolutionary biology to explain the causes of rape and to recommend new approaches to its prevention. According to Thornhill and Palmer, evolved adaptation of some sort gives rise to rape; the main evolutionary question is whether rape is an adaptation itself or a by-product of other adaptations." "The book includes a useful summary of evolutionary theory and a comparison of evolutionary biology's and social science's explanations of human behavior. The authors argue for the greater explanatory power and practical usefulness of evolutionary biology. The book is sure to stir up discussion both on the specific topic of rape and on the larger issues of how we understand and influence human behavior."--Jacket.RapeMenSexual behaviorHuman evolutionElectronic books.Rape.MenSexual behavior.Human evolution.364.15/32Thornhill Randy85561Palmer Craig T1035342MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910455319403321A natural history of rape2454998UNINA