01677nam0 2200313 i 450 SUN006563220151120101600.498978-35-407-5913-320080923d2008 |0engc50 baengDE|||| |||||Calculus of variations and nonlinear partial differential equationslectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school held in Cetraro, Italy, June 27-July 2, 2005Luigi Ambrosio ... [et al.]with a historical overview by Elvira Mascoloeditors: Bernard Dacorogna, Paolo MarcelliniBerlin [etc.]Springerc2008XI, 196 p.24 cm.001SUN01022502001 *Lecture notes in mathematics1927210 Berlin [etc.]Springer1964-215 Dal 2011 i volumi sono disponibili in formato elettronico.35-XXPartial differential equations [MSC 2020]MFSUNC019763BerlinSUNL000066Marcellini, PaoloSUNV011696Ambrosio, Luigi1963- SUNV035897Dacorogna, BernardSUNV043219Mascolo, ElviraSUNV052214SpringerSUNV000178650ITSOL20200921RICA/sebina/repository/catalogazione/documenti/Ambrosio, Caffarelli - Calculus of variations and non-linear partial differential equations.pdfContentsSUN0065632UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08PREST 35-XX 0117 08 8186 III 20081203 Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations774391UNICAMPANIA03072nam 2200553Ia 450 991043761780332120200520144314.01-4614-7309-810.1007/978-1-4614-7309-1(CKB)2670000000388020(EBL)1317570(SSID)ssj0000924373(PQKBManifestationID)11499754(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000924373(PQKBWorkID)10870889(PQKB)11309884(DE-He213)978-1-4614-7309-1(MiAaPQ)EBC1317570(PPN)170488713(EXLCZ)99267000000038802020130708d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGenetic variants in Alzheimer's disease /Kevin Morgan1st ed. 2013.New York Springerc20131 online resource (256 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4899-9799-7 1-4614-7308-X Includes bibliographical references and indexes.The Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease: Introduction and Perspective for the Future -- Apolipoprotein E -- Clusterin -- PICALM -- Complement Component (3b/4b) Receptor 1(CR1) -- Bridging Integrator 1 (BIN1) -- ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 7 (ABCA7) -- Membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A, MS4A cluster -- Sialic acid binding immunoglobulin-like lectin-3 (CD33) -- Erythropoietin-producing human hepatocellular carcinoma (EphA1) -- CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) -- Other Genes Implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease -- The Future Role of Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostics -- Index.Since 2009, a revolution has been witnessed in Alzheimer’s Disease genetics. New genetic links are being discovered at an unprecedented pace and our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration have taken a quantum leap forward. This book provides a thorough description of the genes that have been implicated in the aetiology of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) based on evidence of genetic association. These “AD susceptibility genes” are described both in their genomic and cellular context, as well as with respect to their known or suspected molecular functions. Although these genes are not sufficient to explain all of the genetic contributions to LOAD, they represent the best replicated set of genes to date. Undoubtedly the list will grow as more advanced genomic approaches towards the identification of novel LOAD genes progresses.Alzheimer's diseaseGenetic aspectsNeurogeneticsAlzheimer's diseaseGenetic aspects.Neurogenetics.616.831042Morgan Kevin146919MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910437617803321Genetic variants in Alzheimer's disease4187010UNINA