00986nam0 22002771i 450 SUN005646820061124120000.0IT61395020061122d1966 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Manuale del credito fondiarioCesare Mòglie2. ed. ampliata ed aggiornataMilanoGiuffrè1966664 p.23 cm. - Fondo Raffaele Papa.Credito fondiarioLegislazioneFISUNC006099MilanoSUNL000284332Economia finanziaria21Mòglie, CesareSUNV044905106295GiuffrèSUNV001757650ITSOL20191209RICASUN0056468UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS III.Ee.1 00FP 276266 20061122 Manuale del credito fondiario430233UNICAMPANIA01180nas 2200409-a 450 991036766030332120240112213020.0eb65854966(OCoLC)469891719(CKB)2550000000020422(CONSER)--2011255306(EXLCZ)99255000000002042220090907a20099999 s-- -turur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierZeitschrift für die Welt der TürkenMünchen AymanRefereed/Peer-reviewed1869-2338 Journal of world of TurksZfWTTurkic peoplesPeriodicalsTurkic philologyPeriodicalsTurkic peoplesfast(OCoLC)fst01159375Turkic philologyfast(OCoLC)fst01159391Periodicals.fastTurkic peoplesTurkic philologyTurkic peoples.Turkic philology.JOURNAL9910367660303321Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken2130068UNINA07608nam 22007455 450 991043824900332120220830172424.09781430244110143024411910.1007/978-1-4302-4411-0(CKB)3280000000006817(EBL)1694148(OCoLC)857906560(SSID)ssj0001178584(PQKBManifestationID)11667662(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001178584(PQKBWorkID)11168000(PQKB)11529171(DE-He213)978-1-4302-4411-0(MiAaPQ)EBC1694148(CaSebORM)9781430244103(PPN)177820527(OCoLC)840106062(OCoLC)ocn840106062 (EXLCZ)99328000000000681720140301d2013 u| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe Innovative CIO How IT Leaders Can Drive Business Transformation /by Andi Mann, George Watt, Peter Matthews1st ed. 2013.Berkeley, CA :Apress :Imprint: Apress,2013.1 online resource (295 p.)Includes index.9781430244103 1430244100 Includes bibliographic references and index.Contents; Foreword; About the Authors; Acknowledgments; Innovation Matters; Why Innovate?; Innovation Can Be Lost; Innovation Is Imperative; Stories from the Trenches; Innovation in Use or Process; Incremental Innovation; Fortunate Innovation; Deliberate Innovation; Desperate Innovation; Innovation Everywhere; Innovation Killers; Culture; Organization; The Perfectionist; The Innovative Authoritarian; The Protector; The Downer Dog Pile; Constrained Thought; Timing; Communication; Face It Head-on; Innovation Is Not the Only "I"; Pushmi-Pullyu; The I's have It; I-Negatives; InboxIntermediationImpenetrability; Investment; Innovation; Inarticulacy; Intelligence; Infallibility; Interloper; Immutability; I-Positives; Instrumentation; Innovation; (dis)Intermediation; Improvement; ITIL, ITSM . . .; Independence/Initiative; Instruction; Invigoration; Integrity; Shifting the Balance; Increasing the Innovation Time Surplus; Lowering the Price of Admission; Business Innovation vs. IT Innovation; Which Is the Most Difficult to Achieve: Business Innovation or IT Innovation?; Creativity; Business Cases for Innovations; CIOs Are Always on the Leading Edge of TechnologyInnovation Is QuantifiableIs this Invention or Incremental Innovation?; Business Innovation Requires an Understanding of the Corporate Strategy; CIOs Need to Understand the Context in Which the Company Works; New Market Opportunities; Out-of-the-Box Thinking on Existing Markets; Creating IT-Aware Business Leaders; IT Innovating IT Is Not Business Innovation; Pull and Push; The Business "Pull"; Overcome the "Old School" Approach; Adopting a "New School" Approach; The It "Push"; The Third Way; Opportunities to Innovate Today; Virtualization; Cloud Computing; Personalization; AutomationE-commerceBig Data and Analytics; "The Internet of Things"; Gamification; Near Field Communications; Agile Development; Conclusion; Innovating with ConsumerDriven IT; Understanding Consumer-Driven IT?; Bring Your Own Device (BYOD); Mobile Computing; Leveraging Mobility Internally; Leveraging Mobility Externally; Social Networking; Consumer Cloud; Other Consumer Technologies Driving Business Change; Conclusion; Opportunities to Innovate Tomorrow; Rescuing Your Company with Future Innovations; Controlled Innovation Can Save . . . Uncontrolled Innovation Can Destroy; A Look AheadRecognizing That You Are at a "VisiCalc or iPad Moment"Spotting a Winner; Collaboration and Communication; Is Innovation Insight or Luck?; Creating the Crystal Ball; Can You Predict the Future?; Gathering Relevant Information; Information and Knowledge Can Help with Predictions; Networking Is a Future Opportunity; Physical Networks: Faster, Further, Cheaper; "Internet of Things": Getting Your Fridge and TV Chatting; Smartphones Are the Computing Platform of Choice; Networking for Pleasure and Profit; Open Innovation: Enlarging Your Network; Business Expansion Using Future IT InnovationsExpansion through New Ways of Working“Does your organization fumble when it comes to innovation? ‘The Innovative CIO’ presents a pragmatic guide to overcoming the 10 ‘innovation killers’ within your company.”  --Dennis McCafferty “CIO Insight”, 1/23/2013 (www.cioinsight.com/it-management/innovation/slideshows/ten-ways-to-kill-innovation/) “Are you unwittingly stifling your employees’ entrepreneurial spirit? ‘The Innovative CIO’ discusses ‘innovation killers’ that could be holding back your small business or startup.” --Paul Shread “TIME/Business & Money”, 1/29/2013 (business.time.com/2013/01/29/removing-barriers-to-innovation/#ixzz2JSrUlD3A) The Chief Information Officer’s influence in the business organization has been waning for years. The rest of the C-suite has come to regard Information Technology as slow, costly, error-prone, boring, and unresponsive to business needs. This perception blinds company leaders to the critical value IT can deliver and threatens the competitive health and long-term survival of their enterprise. The modern CIO must reassert the operational and strategic importance of technology to the enterprise and reintegrate it with every department and level of the business from boardroom to mailroom. IT leaders must design, sell, and implement a vigorous culture of IT competence and innovation that pervades the enterprise. The culture must be rooted in bidirectional exchange across organizations and C-level policies that drive technology innovation as the engine of business innovation. The authors, international IT strategists and innovators, quantify the benefits and risks of IT innovation, survey and rank the myriad innovation opportunities from mature, new, and emerging technologies,and identify the organizational structures and processes that have been proven to deliver ongoing innovation. Buttressing their brief with dozens of case studies and specific examples, The Innovative CIO shows you how to:   Take advantage of the IT and business innovation opportunities created by new and emerging technologies Shift IT innovation from afterthought to prime mover in strategic business planning  Inject IT into the dynamic core of your organization’s culture, training, structure, practice, and policy      .How IT leaders can drive business transformationInnovative Chief Information OfficerHow Information Technology leaders can drive business transformationBusinessManagement scienceBusiness and Management, generalhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/500000Business.Management science.Business and Management, general.658.4038Mann Andiauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut1059868Watt Georgeauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/autMatthews Peterauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/autUMIUMIBOOK9910438249003321The Innovative CIO2508926UNINA