01385nam0 2200325 i 450 SUN002406720100728120000.020040920d1988 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆL'‰architettura nei dettagliEnzo Legnante, Antonio Lauracon l'introduzione di P. A. CeticaFirenzeAlinea[1988]117 p.ill.23x23 cm.Elementi architettoniciProgettazioneFISUNC009178FirenzeSUNL000014721Costruzione architettonica21Legnante, EnzoSUNV02013511795Laura, AntonioSUNV020136728936Cetica, Pier AngeloSUNV023279AlineaSUNV000335650Cetica, P. A.Cetica, Pier AngeloSUNV026832Cetica, PierangeloCetica, Pier AngeloSUNV023280Cetica, P.A.Cetica, Pier AngeloSUNV066548ITSOL20181109RICASUN0024067BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01 PREST IIB23 01 677 BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107677PREST IIB23paArchitettura nei dettagli1432844UNICAMPANIA05368oam 2200565 450 991014347680332120210805110030.03-540-49201-110.1007/3-540-49201-1(CKB)1000000000211049(SSID)ssj0000325787(PQKBManifestationID)11265476(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000325787(PQKBWorkID)10253392(PQKB)11446568(DE-He213)978-3-540-49201-6(MiAaPQ)EBC3071822(MiAaPQ)EBC6495009(PPN)15520128X(EXLCZ)99100000000021104920210805d1999 uy 0engurnn|008mamaatxtccrPractical aspects of declarative languages First International Workshop, PADL '99, San Antonio, Texas, USA, January 18-19, 1999 : proceedings /Gopal Gupta (editor)1st ed. 1998.Berlin ;Heidelberg :Springer,[1999]©19991 online resource (VIII, 376 p.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science,0302-9743 ;1551Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-540-65527-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Software Engineering -- Automated Benchmarking of Functional Data Structures -- np-spec: An Executable Specification Language for Solving All Problems in NP -- Prototyping a Requirements Specification through an Automatically Generated Concurrent Logic Program -- Multi-agent Systems Development as a Software Engineering Enterprise -- Innovative Applications I -- From Functional Animation to Sprite-Based Display -- Beyond Pretty-Printing: Galley Concepts in Document Formatting Combinators -- Lambda in Motion: Controlling Robots with Haskell -- Implementation -- CHAT: The Copy-Hybrid Approach to Tabling -- The Influence of Architectural Parameters on the Performance of Parallel Logic Programming Systems -- Or-Parallelism within Tabling -- Declarative Query Processing -- Mnesia — A Distributed Robust DBMS for Telecommunications Applications -- An AQUA-Based Intermediate Language for Evaluating an Active Deductive Object-Oriented Language -- Implementing a Declarative String Query Language with String Restructuring -- Systems Applications -- Client-Side Web Scripting with HaskellScript -- MCORBA: A CORBA Binding for Mercury -- Analysis -- Dead Code Elimination through Dependent Types -- Multiple Specialization of WAM Code -- A Flexible Framework for Dynamic and Static Slicing of Logic Programs -- Innovative Applications II -- Applying Logic Programming to Derive Novel Functional Information of Genomes -- An Application of Action Theory to the Space Shuttle -- Developing a Declarative Rule Language for Applications in Product Configuration -- Constraint Programming -- University Timetabling Using Constraint Logic Programming -- Constraint-Based Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Steel Manufacturing -- Using Constraints in Local Proofs for CLP Debugging -- Declarative Languages and Software Engineering (Invited) -- A Return to Elegance: The Reapplication of Declarative Notation to Software Design -- ECLiPSe: Declarative Specification and Scaleable Implementation.Declarative languages have traditionally been regarded by the mainstream c- puting community as too impractical to be put to practical use. At the same time, traditionalconferencesdevotedto declarativelanguagesdo not haveissues related to practice as their central focus. Thus, there are few forums devoted to discussion of practical aspects and implications of newly discovered results and techniques related to declarative languages. The goal of the First International Workshop on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL) is to bring together researchers,practitioners and implementors of declarative languages to discuss practical issues and practical implications of their research results. The workshop was held in San Antonio, Texas, during January 18-19, 1999. This volume contains its proceedings. Fifty three papers were submitted in response to the call for papers. These papers were written by authors belonging to twenty one countries from six c- tinents. Each paper was assigned to at least two referees for reviewing. Twenty four papers were nally selected for presentation at the workshop. Many good papers could not be included due to the limited duration of the workshop. The workshop included invited talks by Mark Hayden of DEC/Compaq Systems - search Center, speaking on \Experiences Building Distributed Systems in ML," and Mark Wallace of Imperial College Center for Planning And Resource C- trol (IC-PARC), speaking on \ECLiPSe: Declarative Specic ation and Scalable Implementation.Lecture Notes in Computer Science,0302-9743 ;1551Programming languages (Electronic computers)SemanticsCongressesProgramming languages (Electronic computers)Semantics005.131Gupta GopalPADL '99MiAaPQMiAaPQUtOrBLWBOOK9910143476803321Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages772495UNINA02085nam0 2200445 i 450 VAN012466220230628025849.637N978331990572320191023d2018 |0itac50 baengCH|||| |||||Elliptic Systems of Phase Transition TypeNicholas D. Alikakos, Giorgio Fusco, Panayotis SmyrnelisChamBirkhäuser2018xii, 343 p.ill.24 cm001VAN00441712001 Progress in nonlinear differential equations and their applications210 Boston [etc.]Birkhäuser91VAN0236232Elliptic Systems of Phase Transition Type156472034CxxQualitative theory for ordinary differential equation [MSC 2020]VANC020690MF35JxxElliptic equations and elliptic systems [MSC 2020]VANC022717MF49JxxExistence theories in calculus of variations and optimal control [MSC 2020]VANC025507MFCrystallineKW:KGeodesicsKW:KMaximum principleKW:KOrdinary differential equationsKW:KPartial differential equationsKW:KPoint groupKW:KStanding wavesKW:KCHChamVANL001889AlikakosNicholas D.VANV096098768235FuscoGiorgioVANV096099768236SmyrnelisPanayotisVANV096100768237Birkhäuser <editore>VANV108193650ITSOL20230630RICAhttp://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90572-3E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN0124662BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08CONS e-book 1120 08eMF1120 20191023 Elliptic Systems of Phase Transition Type1564720UNICAMPANIA