02114nam2 22003491i 450 SUN002108720180706105026.3940.0020040802d1996 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||2: L'*atmosfera, l'acqua, i climi, i suolia cura di Pompeo Casati, Francesco PaceMilanoCittàstudi1996689 p.ill.27 cm.001SUN00210832001 *Scienze della terraPompeo Casati (a cura di)210 MilanoCittàStudi215 volumi30 cm.MilanoSUNL000284550Scienze della terra e geologia22Casati, PompeoSUNV017357Pace, FrancescoSUNV082468CittàStudiSUNV003483650ITSOL20181109RICA/sebina/repository/catalogazione/immagini/Copertina 21087.jpgSUN0021087UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17 PREST Sa70 17 FSA1936 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17 CONS Sa15/2 17 FSA1363 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17 PREST Sa49 17 FSA1937 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHEIT-CE0101FSA1936PREST Sa70paUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHEIT-CE0101FSA1363CONS Sa15/2caUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHEIT-CE0101FSA1937PREST Sa49paAtmosfera, l'acqua, i climi, i suoli108337UNICAMPANIA04600nam 22008413u 450 991048870430332120230221124105.03-030-79851-8(CKB)5590000000519749EBL6676600(AU-PeEL)EBL6676600(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/71287(PPN)25735879X(EXLCZ)99559000000051974920220617d2021|||| uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe once-only principle the TOOP Project /editors, Robert Krimmer, Andriana Prentza, Szymon MamrotCham Springer International Publishing AG20211 online resource (x, 241 pages) illustrations (some color)Lecture notes in computer sciencev.12621Description based upon print version of record.3-030-79850-X The Once-Only Principle: A Matter of Trust Implementation of the 'once-only' principle in Europe national approaches Drivers for and Barriers to the Cross-Border Implementation of the Once-Only Princi pleOnce-Only Principle Good Practices in Europ eThe Single Digital Gateway Regulation as an Enabler and Constraint of Once-Only in EuropeLegal Basis and Regulatory Applications of the Once-Only Principle: the Italian CaseTOOP Trust ArchitectureThe Technical challenges in OOP application across the European Union and the TOOP OOP architectureTesting methodology for the TOOP pilotsTOOP pilot experiences: challenges and achievements in implementing once-only in different domains and Member StatesMeasuring the Impact of the Once Only Principle for Businesses Across BordersThe Future of the Once-Only Principle in EuropeThis open access State-of-the-Art Survey describes and documents the developments and results of the Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP). The Once-Only Principle (OOP) is part of the seven underlying principles of the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020. It aims to make the government more effective and to reduce administrative burdens by asking citizens and companies to provide certain standard information to the public authorities only once. The project was horizontal and policy-driven with the aim of showing that the implementation of OOP in a cross-border and cross-sector setting is feasible. The book summarizes the results of the project from policy, organizational, architectural, and technical points of view. This book has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 737460.Lecture notes in computer science ;12621.Government informationLaw and legislationInternet in public administrationComputer ApplicationsSpecial Purpose and Application-Based SystemsProgramming TechniquesSoftware Engineering/Programming and Operating SystemsComputer Application in Administrative Data ProcessingComputer and Information Systems ApplicationsSoftware Engineeringaccess controlcommunication systemscomputer systemscryptographydatabasesField Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)gateways (computer networks)information systemsinternet protocolsnetwork protocolsobject-oriented designobject-oriented programmingobject-oriented programming languagessignal processingsocial networkssoftware architecturesoftware designsystem architecturesInformation technology: general issuesExpert systems / knowledge-based systemsComputer programming / software engineeringOperating systemsGovernment informationLaw and legislation.Internet in public administration.Krimmer Robertedt848058Krimmer Robert848058Prentza Andriana1237629Mamrot Szymon1237630AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910488704303321The Once-Only Principle2872888UNINA