01657nam0 22003013i 450 SUN002066120181122095631.6701-218-2127-720040722d1993 |0engc50 baengUS|||| |||||Metallobiochemistry. Part C, spectroscopic and physical methods for probing metal ion environments in metalloenzymes and metalloproteinsedited by James F. Riordan, Bert L. ValleeSan DiegoAcademic pressc1993XXIII, 674 p., [1] c. di tav.ill.24 cm.001SUN00358862001 *Methods in enzymology226205 Vol. 1(1955)-207 New York : Academic, 1955-210 volumiill. ; 24 cm215 Periodicità irregolareSan DiegoSUNL000041Riordan, James F.SUNV016916Vallee, Bert L.SUNV016918AcademicSUNV000123650Riordan, J. F.Riordan, James F.SUNV102753Vallee, B. L.Vallee, Bert L.SUNV102754ITSOL20200706RICASUN0020661UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17CONS Bc1/226 17FMF3979 20040722 BuonoUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEI DIPARTIMENTI DI AREA MEDICA12PERIO PI/17a 12 13667 20100428 Metallobiochemistry. Part C, spectroscopic and physical methods for probing metal ion environments in metalloenzymes and metalloproteins1428261UNICAMPANIA