02779nam 2200433 450 00001275620141015161805.00-674-99284-9vol. 10-434-99258-5vol. 10-674-99285-7vol. 20-434-99259-3vol. 220030430d--------km-y0itay0103----bagrcengUSGBElegy and Iambusbeing the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates excepting the choliambic writers, with the Anacreonteain two volumesnewly edited and translated by J. M. EdmondsCambridge, MassachusettsHarvard University PressLondon<<William>> Heinemann2 volumi17 cm<<The>> Loeb classical libraryTraduzione inglese con testo greco a fronteVol. I: Callinus ; Tyrtaeus ; Asius ; Mimnermus ; Solon ; Cleobulus ; Cleobulina ; Demodocus ; Phocylides ; Xenophanes ; Theognis ; Hipparchus ; Pigres ; Epicharmus ; Phrynichus ; Aeschylus ; Sophocles ; Ion of Chios ; Ion of Samos ; Philiades ; Melanthius ; Empedocles ; Archelaus ; Hippon ; Dionysius Chalcus ; Euripides ; Alcibiades ; Agathon ; Euenus ; Critias ; Socrates ; Antimachus. - 1982. - XVI, 523 p.Vol. II: Plato ; Simmias of Thebes ; Praxiteles ; Parrhasius ; Zeuxis ; Thucydides ; Apollodorus ; Dionysius the younger ; Mamercus ; Astydamas ; Philiscus ; Aphareus ; Speusippus ; Aristotle ; Crates ; Castorion ; Cleon ; Theocritus of Chios ; Menander ; Panarces ; Archilocus ; Semonides ; Hermippus ; Scythinus ; anonymous inscriptions and fragments. - 1979. - VI, 115 p.2001<<The>> Loeb classical library884.0108(22. ed.)Poesia lirica greca classica. Periodo antico, fino al 499 ca. RaccolteEdmonds,John MaxwellITUniversità della Basilicata - B.I.A.REICATunimarc000012756Elegy and Iambus78616UNIBASSTD0190120030430BAS01164520050601BAS011755batch0120050718BAS01105120050718BAS01111020050718BAS01114020050718BAS011155BATCH0020070503BAS011735EXT0130120141015BAS011537EXT0130120141015BAS011618BAS01BAS01BOOKBASA1Polo Storico-UmanisticoGENCollezione generaleClass/95114858L14858200304301XVI, 52302Prestabile GeneraleVol. I. - 1982. - XVI, 523 p.BAS01BAS01BOOKBASA1Polo Storico-UmanisticoGENCollezione generaleClass/95214859L14859200304302V, 11502Prestabile GeneraleVol. II. - 1979. - VI, 115 p.